The End?

I didn’t post yesterday. The reason is that nothing is happening. I know that Mrs. Lion has had a sore arm and shoulder. That certainly kills the mood for her. I don’t think that’s the only reason. She never asked me to wear my shock collar. I was putting it on myself to see if it would inspire her. She can zap me without hurting her arm. She could also write or talk about potential future fun. She used to do that a lot. Physical contact has dropped to the bare minimum. I don’t know why.

It shouldn’t surprise me. Sex and BDSM play are solely for my benefit. Mrs. Lion has made it clear that she gets nothing out of any of those activities. Playing games on her computer or iPad is entertaining. Doing things with me isn’t. Fair enough. I may have to learn how to jerk off again.

The simple fact is that there are a lot of low-impact activities Mrs. Lion could do that wouldn’t take much energy or exertion. She knows that. It doesn’t interest her. This is a sad situation for me. It’s the end of an amazing decade. I don’t know if I want to keep our blog going or not. I know a lot of people read it. Almost none actively participate. Oh well.

Listen to this post.


  1. I have asked myself the same question many times. My wife wastes hours every day watching youtube how to videos and the only affection I get is a peck on the lips goodnight. I cannot provide the easy level of entertainment that she gets from watching things on the screen. This is on her phone so she has it with her constantly. If she is not watching something then she is listening to an audible book. Strange voices are commonplace in our house.
    She obviously has no sexual interest unless she is doing it for me.
    I know I am sounding like “poor me” when in fact she does do amazing things occasionally as I know Mrs. Lion does too.
    But I just feel like I am doing things to myself for myself and it would be so easy for her to be involved. I am currently wearing a chastity device for Locktober. She knows this, but has not even seen the cage yet. I bought a shock collar which she found quite fun to startle me with for a few days when we were on a trip. It is now on the bed between our pillows, unused.
    Well, I just looked back at the recent post Poor Me by Mrs. Lion. Sounds like she still has interest. And yes, we had intercourse over the weekend and I had an orgasm. I had one last week also, which was the first in 4 months. I was actually planning to not have one until the New Year.
    So, we are getting older and a very important part of our life is fading away. It’s tough to accept, but likely inevitable that the end will come. That is why I started blogging years ago. It was for me to read about what we used to do when it is not happening anymore. You will certainly have plenty of memories here to keep you entertained!

    1. Every time we don’t do anything for a few days, Lion thinks we’re done. He can not want sex because he’s in “book mode”, but when I don’t want to give him sex, the end is near.

      1. Ha Ha, I can relate. Don’t have sex in a while and I am all “woe is me, my sex life is done forever”. Men are stupid.
        That’s what I always told my daughters when they were having boy troubles.

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