My Fair Lioness

We went out to dinner last night. I guess we were too full to do anything, so we just snuggled. It’s always fine to snuggle. Despite his post from weeks ago, I do like being close to Lion that said we don’t touch a lot. It’s true we don’t touch as much as we used to, but he’s not as active as he once was, and I think that has a little bit to do with it. Anyway, we snuggled under the covers and watched TV.

This morning, Lion sent me an email and said he hoped I didn’t mind that he bought tickets to see “My Fair Lady” in Seattle. I laughed. I can’t think of a more fitting musical for us to see. While he’s not as snobby as Henry Higgins, and I’m not as uncultured as Eliza Doolittle, we are certainly not from the same side of the tracks, as they say. Lion is definitely upper-middle class, and I am mid to lower middle class. Boarding school versus public school. Banker father versus public servant father. You get the idea. My sister also married “up.” (I didn’t the first time, and I didn’t try to this time.) I think it’s hilarious that there’s a musical that could have been written about us.

We have to run the errands we didn’t run over the weekend tonight or tomorrow night. I’m waiting till we hit Costco to get gas since it’s cheaper there. Our football team plays tonight, and we got takeout from Olive Garden, so we wouldn’t have to think about dinner for tonight. Depending on how badly our team is doing, we may turn the game off early, and Lion can have some sexy time. I owe him a plug up his butt.

I’m pretty sure he’d rather be tied to the bed, but even then, I’d have to do something to him. Technically, I could shove the plug up his butt while we watch the game and let it fester. I’m not sure that will have the same effect as having it in while I jerk him off or suck him. I think a butt plug makes things more difficult while I’m yanking on him. It might arouse him to have it in, but as things heat up, it gets in the way. When he clenches, he feels it. That can’t help.

On the other hand, I’m not really trying to help him along. Being in pain while I masturbate him is all part of the game. Of course, being tied up is not necessarily painful. It just takes away his control. That’s really what turns him on. I do have plans for tying him up. He’ll have to be patient. In the meantime, I’ll give him some of what he wants. Or, more accurately, some of what he professes not to like.

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