When Mrs. Lion is up to speed, this is what my bottom looks like after she finishes.

When we started this blog (February 2014), we had just started male chastity. Mrs. Lion gave me  “play” spankings. I realized that wearing a male chastity device gave Mrs. Lion control over any sexual pleasure that I could have. It was an interesting feeling, sort of tingles and some annoyance at my lack of control. The point is that I discovered that I like feeling her control.

It didn’t take too many years to figure out that I would find more than sexual control exciting. We experimented with spanking me for breaking rules that Mrs. Lion created. None of this happened quickly. We discovered that consistent enforcement of those rules changed my behavior.

The most startling change for me was the don’t-spill-on-your-shirt rule. Both of us figured that I would reliably break this rule forever. I certainly made no conscious effort to avoid getting food on my shirt. When Mrs. Lion spanked me each and every time I got food on my shirt, the frequency of infractions dropped dramatically. It got to the point that it was rare that I needed correction for this rule. I didn’t consciously work to avoid spilling. I just became magically neater.

My interest in being spanked made me a willing participant in helping Mrs. Lion become a more effective disciplinarian. I encouraged her to make spankings more painful and long-lasting. She learned to spank me without feeling bad about hurting me. She began to pride herself in doing a”good job.”

We also learned that unless we stayed in practice, the observation of infractions and the quality of my spankings would decline. Thanks to the DWC, I learned that timing spankings is important. Mrs. Lion adopted the DWC minimum spanking duration of ten minutes. She sets a timer and spanks well past when it goes off. If I break more than one rule, the duration increases by five minutes for each additional infraction.

Today (Tuesday), it’s been 25 days since my last spanking. That’s a very long time for us. The chances are good that Mrs. Lion will have trouble delivering the high-quality disciplinary spankings I normally get. It may take her two or three more before she gets into the swing of things.

We haven’t reached the point where discipline is consistent no matter how much time passes between spankings. We both will “slip” if the spanking bench doesn’t come out fairly often. We both seem happier when Mrs. Lion discovers infractions and punishes them. It isn’t that she likes to beat me. She doesn’t. Well, she doesn’t mind beating me. She truly enjoys catching me breaking a rule. It’s a sort of game for her.

That’s why self-reporting isn’t good for us. She likes to catch me. I suppose that I like it when she does. I’m not too fond of the spanking that follows. However, it’s part of the program. When Mrs. Lion is up to speed, my bottom hurts for at least three days after she spanks me. I wonder how soon she will be back in fighting form.

tools of her trade

We have a large collection of spanking implements. Some are wooden paddles. We also have leather, rubber, and silicone implements. Mrs. Lion likes to experiment and discover which delivers the effects she wants. She has also experimented with my real estate. We’ve both learned that hard paddling of my “sit spot,” the lower part of my butt, and upper thighs are the most painful and will hurt for days after she is done. She’s also learned that spanking inside my crack is especially uncomfortable for me. When she is really going, I’m red up my entire cleft.

Mrs. Lion has also learned that wooden paddles will make me bleed. She doesn’t cut me. Apparently, when the skin swells from her ministrations, it will sometimes develop small cracks and let little bits of blood escape. Other than being messy, it isn’t a sign of injury. She has learned to carry on even after some blood appears. I’ve wondered if my hide will toughen and the bleeding will stop. I guess we’ll see when the beatings are more frequent.

Leather seems to make me red without blood. It takes more time and works to get the punishment I need when she uses leather implements. Rubber (she has two spankers made of thick conveyor-belt rubber) is very nasty. I think that Mrs. Lion tries to get an even color when she spanks me. She also wants to hear me yelping and see me squirming. She’s very good at getting me to do both.

We’ve both learned that while the ten-minute spanking needs to hurt a lot, it’s just as important that I feel the results for days afterward. If it hurts each time I sit down, I’m reminded to avoid getting in trouble again. While I hate being spanked, I truly hate being uncomfortable for days after. We’ve also learned that the more unhappy I am after being punished, the more likely I will be careful to avoid needing another spanking.

Poor, punished lion

If all this seems cruel, you are missing the point. Domestic discipline makes me happy. No, I don’t like being paddled. I like that Mrs. Lion paddles me when I need correction. I like that she cares enough about me to correct me strongly enough to help me change. It may seem excessive to beat me for ten minutes if I forget to set up the coffee pot. It isn’t. I need to be smart enough to know that I can avoid that beating if I take the three minutes to set it up.

Maybe one reason we need to be sure that I’m corrected regularly is the connection domestic discipline makes between us. It’s not about the spankings as much as about effective communication between us. I don’t live in fear of Mrs. Lion beating me. Fear would be destructive to our relationship. I know I will be sorry if I break a rule. I also know that weirdly, we both enjoy the contest where Mrs. Lion has to discover my infractions. When she does, I get the penalty.

The way we practice it, domestic discipline isn’t a fearsome disciplinary practice. It’s half-game and half-serious discipline. The result is that I willingly submit to punishments I earn. The punishments help me change to be a better man. It’s a clear win-win for both of us.

Listen to this post.


  1. I think many who only gaze through your window don’t understand the spanking dynamic. That is why you will get comments taking about cruelty etc. This post should help to dispel those notions.

    1. Author

      Fortunately, few people who don’t understand our dynamic land here. Those who do, usually just move on without commenting.

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