We are in our new house. The movers finished last Thursday. We are living in a sea of boxes. Mrs. Lion has been working to get us unpacked enough to function on a semi-normal level. My office is a cacoon of boxes with my desk and computer in the middle. Our technology is almost fully installed. Our VOIP phones are working, and both Internet services are up and running.

Between looking for a new house and moving, our more personal activities have fallen behind. I mentioned that I hadn’t been spanked in a long time (42 days), and she replied we hadn’t done other things, either. She’s right. It’s been 21 days since my last orgasm. I suppose the math suggests that I need a spanking twice as much as I do an orgasm. My imagination has been going on both subjects. Of course, Mrs. Lion has to be up for doing something. She’s been sore from packing and unpacking. There’s also the matter of finding where the paddles and Edex are packed. Mrs. Lion mentioned that the paddles are in cartons marked “Personal,” but she hasn’t seen any sign of them yet. Edex is also buried somewhere.

If she wants to spank me, Mrs. Lion can improvise with my hairbrush, I suppose. The spanking bench is conveniently located at the foot of our bed. There is plenty of room to use it right where it is. How convenient for her!

The priority has to be getting our new house set up. Still, it’s getting more difficult to avoid getting grumpy over the lack of below-the-waist attention. Yes, I know it isn’t a priority, and I accept this reality. I’m doing my best to accept it gracefully.

I’m not sure I ever got a hairbrush paddling. I have a paddle-shaped hairbrush that I’ve been using for years as a hairbrush. I’m pretty sure it can deliver a good spanking, but will require more effort than Mrs. Lion’s too-efficient paddles. I’m confident that one way or another the spanking bench will be used in the near future.


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