There are over 3,000 images of my cock and ass on our site. Left–my bottom after a mild 2014 spanking. Right–my cock in it’s first male chastity device, a Chinese cage.

Our website is completing its first decade (the actual start date was February 2014). I would have never guessed that Mrs. Lion and I would be writing almost 6,500 posts so far. I’m particularly amazed since these posts are almost exclusively about a small area of my body between my belly button and my legs. We’ve published over 3,500 images of those parts of my anatomy. Almost ten million people have seen them. That’s pretty amazing, don’t you think? I would have never guessed there would be that much to write and show about my cock and butt. I certainly wouldn’t have guessed that so many people would be interested. Who knew?

Lion's penis in Jail Bird male chastity device
One-inch Jail Bird

We started male chastity in December 2013. It began with a few cheap Chinese male chastity devices that I found on Amazon. None fit comfortably enough for long-term wear. The first models had hinged base rings. The hinges were protected by a bit of latex tubing. They irritated the hell out of me. My first custom cage was a Mature Metal Jail Bird. Over the last ten years, it’s proven to be the most comfortable and easiest-to-wear male chastity device. I’ve reviewed quite a few different devices over the years. The Jail Bird is still my favorite.

urethra view in male chastity device
My urethra nicely centered in my cage.

Male chastity has evolved over the last decade. I’d like to think that I had something to do with the changes. I think the most significant development is the nearly-universal switch to short cages. In 2013, there were no devices less than two inches long. Instructions were to measure the flaccid penis but avoid the extra-short cold water size. I discovered that unless the head of my cock were firmly pressed into the end of the male chastity device, my urethra would “wander” and end up straddling one of the bars at the end of the cage. That caused urine to spray everywhere. When I changed the length of my cage so it was short enough to guarantee contact, all was well. I learned that I could comfortably wear a one-inch-long Jail Bird.

I wrote a lot about this discovery. Over the next few years, over-the-counter male chastity device makers like Holy Trainer began selling short cages. Their Nano series is under one inch long. The long straggler in the custom cage world was Mature Metal, the company that makes the wonderful Jail Bird. That’s changed. Now they offer some of their lines in “mini+–one inch, and “micro”–one-half inch cages. I’ll be reviewing one of the micro models with an unusual twist. Stay tuned.

Spanked  butt
By May of 2022, Mrs. Lion was comfortable doing this to my bottom.

Somewhere along the line, we began a female-led relationship (FLR). It features spanking as the primary punishment. It took Mrs. Lion several years to get into the disciplinary head space and feel comfortable about spanking me. We’re at the point where she is comfortably brushing my bottom as needed. She is also much more comfortable punishing me for breaking the rules. Our nearly daily posts do a good job of documenting this evolution.

Domestic discipline has improved our marriage. We accidentally learned that my behavior changed due to consistent punishment. One of my very first rules was not to spill food on my shirt. I did that a lot, and Mrs. Lion figured it would be good training for us both because it would get me spanked often. It did; for a while. Without any conscious effort on my part, I stopped spilling on my shirt. My behavior changed. The same thing happened with other rules. After a bunch of punishment spankings for breaking them, I improved.

I still do things that annoy Mrs. Lion. She has had a lot of trouble punishing me for subjective offenses like interrupting her or acting like a know-it-all. She knows that if she consistently punishes me for doing something, I will improve, but something inside her gets in the way. She knows that I want and need her paddles. Spanking is important to me. Still, it’s a problem punishing me for upsetting her. Maybe fixing that is for the next decade.

I’m grateful to her for making such a gigantic effort to make me happy. I’m also grateful to you for sharing our  adventures.

Happy New Year!

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  1. Congratulations. Here’s to ten more years!

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