Wednesday night Mrs. Lion gave me great oral sex. I think I gave myself too small a dose of Edex. My erection was a bit floppy and Mrs. Lion didn’t get much cream filling. I was dripping for hours afterward. I’m convinced that when I’m not fully erect, the semen storage area at the base of my penis doesn’t fully form. When I have an orgasm, very little semen is available to come out. When I am fully erect, Mrs. Lion gets a nice drink. Next time, I will be more careful with my Edex dosage.

Panty-wearing continues. I remind Mrs. Lion every morning, and she selects a pair for me. Neither of us is particularly drawn to the feminization fetish. The panties are a painless (most days) way for Mrs.Lion to display her control. Building this habit is important for us. Wearing panties is something I wouldn’t do on my own. Before we started this, I wore nothing below the waist when at home. Now I am always covered by a pair of panties.

Wearing panties and more frequent spankings are working to revive our FLR. Use it or lose it seems to be the mantra for maintaining her role. It’s hard for her to forget her role when she sees me walking around the house in a pink thong. It’s impossible for me to forget the sore spots on my bottom and the female underwear I have to wear every day. Mission accomplished.

Will we both get so used to the panties that they stop having meaning for us? I’m wondering about that possibility. I’m pretty sure that won’t happen to me. It’s unlikely that I will take for granted a lioness-selected pair of panties every day. I don’t know what the effect will be for her.

Our first zestra experiment

Before my Edex injection, I applied Zestra oil to Mrs. Lion’s vulva. This oil is supposed to arouse her sexually. It didn’t. She reported some strange feelings while sucking me but no arousal. We’ve agreed to try again. She said that she thinks the problem is in her head. I agree. Maybe I can help resolve whatever is blocking her fun. I’m certainly going to try.

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