In typical Lion fashion, he’s going overboard with panties. Since he’s started wearing them every day (and I don’t remember initially committing to every day, but it’s okay), we have received at least one package of new panties each day. That’s a lot of panties. We already had some. I think there’s more stashed away somewhere.

His defense is that he’s not sure if they fit or if they’ll be comfortable. Does comfort matter? Think about women who wear high heels and sexy lingerie. High heels are not comfortable at all. Sexy lingerie isn’t necessarily comfortable, either. The bra may have underwire that pokes. It may push her boobs up and together. Yuck. So why should Lion’s girly panties be comfortable? For starters, he has fairly sensitive skin. And he’s not necessarily trying to look sexy for me. The whole point is for him to be humiliated. Would it be more amusing to see him in a skimpy lace thong? Maybe, but when he takes the thong off, it’s not sexy to see areas where the lace irritated him. I only want him to feel pain when I want him to feel pain.

As Lion mentioned some time ago, he bought Zestra for me. It’s supposed to rev up my engine. It didn’t seem to do much. When I read the ingredients, it showed “flavor.” Naturally, I had to see if it had any. It did not. Well, it tasted bad. If that was the flavor they were aiming for then they hit the nail on the head.

What I did notice on my tongue was a warming, tingling sensation after a while. I assume that’s what I should have been feeling in my naughty bits. I don’t know if it was the tiny taste test or absorbing it through my skin, but while I was sucking Lion, I felt like I was closer to him and further from him at the same time. Yes I was moving, but not that much. It struck me as a psychedelic thing like they show in movies where the camera zooms in and out. It was weird.

Lion asked if I thought I’d be interested in sex after he’s gone. How would I know? I don’t know why I’m not interested now. It’s not like I’ll flip a switch. I won’t be rubbing my hands together saying, “Okay. Lion’s gone. Let’s find some sex.” For all I know, I won’t ever have sex again.

The other issue is Lion riding. I’ve been thinking about trying it again. We’ve lost weight. It might be easier now. But he wants me to have an orgasm doing it. I feel if I want to do reverse Lion riding so he’ll have an orgasm, I should be able to do that for him without worrying about having my own orgasm.

Listen to this post.


  1. Panties: it is so easy to just love them on line and have to buy them! Especially if they are displayed on beautiful models. “If I wear these panties I will look like a gorgeous model too!” Not!!

    1. Author

      He’s been buying mostly thongs and they tend to look alike after a while.

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