It was my fault on Thursday night. I didn’t want a shot of Edex. We had a couple of issues with deliveries. I was expecting a CARE package from Katz Delicatessen in the morning. It didn’t arrive until a few minutes before 8 p.m. I wanted our dinner to be from the goodies I ordered. To further piss me off, the Instacart person who was supposed to shop and deliver needed groceries never showed up. Instacart needs a better way to handle things. They didn’t even notify us. We had to call them. Mrs. Lion had to redo the order. That didn’t arrive until after 9 p.m. All that static made me lose my erotic focus.

The groceries were ingredients for minestrone soup. I’m making a recipe from the “America’s Test Kitchen” website. It’s simmering on the stove now and smells delicious. Mrs. Lion took her lunch hour to get the ingredients out for me. We decided that with fall coming, we should start stocking up on soups and stews. We’ll probably eat a bowl of the soup today to see if it tastes good and freeze the rest.

I woke up horny this morning (Friday). No shock there. It’s been seven days since my last orgasm. Of course, I have no idea if Mrs. Lion will let me ejaculate. She does want me to do a shot of Edex. She promised to play at the least. Also, I forgot (again!) to send her a morning email. We both know what that means. Ugh!

My pattern with new rules is depressingly consistent. It takes a fairly long series of spankings before my memory is sufficiently imprinted with the need to do that particular chore. Maybe I’m not that bright. I know that Mrs. Lion is more than happy to oblige with increasingly unpleasant spankings when I can’t remember a simple rule. I guess there will be more blood on her paddles tonight.

The soup is done! We both tasted it and agreed it was good. Still, even though it is hot today (9oo F right now), we’ll probably do soup and salad tonight. We even have some Italian bread in the freezer to eat with it.

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