clothespins on lion's balls

It seems Lion didn’t know he was the one who had to decide when to do a boner shot. Have I not been saying it for at least a week now? I even mentioned that it might be difficult for him because he has a hard time initiating. It doesn’t make any sense for me to decide when to do it because if he’s not in the mood, there’s no reason to waste the boner juice. Could he get in the mood if I make him do one and then tie him to the bed? Of course. However, I don’t want to take that chance. [Lion — No risk there! That would be big fun!]

Once again, he forgot to do his workday email. I didn’t even notice. I’ve been learning yet another new thing at work, and I guess I’ve been preoccupied with that. When I read his post for today, I realized he had forgotten. We both forgot. Last night, I wasn’t in the mood to spank him. I was waiting for him to do a boner shot after his shower. For a long time, he said one problem with his not being able to get an erection was that we played too late. He wanted sex earlier. I guess now that he can have a boner on demand, we don’t have to play early.

After dinner, when our bellies were full of minestrone soup, he asked me to bring him the Edex. I hadn’t planned what I was going to do to him. I still haven’t looked for the restraints. But clothespins and rope are usually easy to find. I picked clothespins. He did the shot, and I did the clothespins. In between yanking on the clothespins, I yanked on the weenie. And when I’d pulled all the clothespins off, slowly over time, I asked if he wanted me to suck him. Silly question, I know.

I admit it. I was mean. I got him going, and I stopped when he was getting close. Meanie. He was surprised. I’ve been somewhat afraid to edge him again, but since we’re back to playing, I figured edging is back on the table, too. I considered doing it a second time, but I really wanted him to have an orgasm, and stopping again might have made that less possible. So, he had his orgasm, and I had my cream filling.

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