For another night, we didn’t do anything. Lion said he wasn’t interested. He thinks he’s broken again. I think it’s been too many days of not doing anything that lulls his body into hibernation. If I drag out the massage table, I bet I can get him going.

I wanted to give him a blow job. The massage table isn’t conducive to that. However, there’s no reason we can’t use the massage table for the warm up and then move into the bedroom for the main attraction. He might lose a little mojo moving from one room to the other, but if he’s really horny I should be able to get him going again.

There’s no football game this weekend. That means Saturday’s punishment swats can go on as they should. It’s been a while since we’ve done them. His buns have been consumed with football swats for quite a few weeks. Plus, he had a real punishment not too long ago. Of course, he could always use a spanking even if there’s no reason for it. That just gives him extra practice. Oh, and it keeps him in line.

We had a strange week. Neither of us had any idea what day it was yesterday. I thought it was Wednesday. Lion thought it was Friday. Neither of us really have anything going on to help keep track of things. One day just blends into the next. I think my confusion came from going to my meeting on Tuesday. I don’t know what happened with Lion. Today, we’re on the same page. It’s Friday and we’re heading into the weekend.

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1 Comment

  1. Hi, Mrs Lion. How does a punishment spanking differ from any other spanking?

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