We didn’t play last night. This time it was my fault. This diet is doing a number on us and I wasn’t feeling all that comfortable. For years Lion has said he needs salad and roughage in his diet. Roughage, smuffage. It’s not helping me. Actually, I think what’s doing me in is that I’m still not drinking enough water. Usually I don’t drink any water, but I’m not getting enough liquid of any kind. This has been true for years.
Lion is discouraged because he hasn’t been losing weight at the rate he thought he would. I haven’t weighed myself in a few days. I just figure it took years for the weight to get on. It may take years to get it back off. Plus, neither of us has gotten any more active. If we’d get on the damn treadmill, we might lose weight faster. I can’t imagine we’d replace fat with muscle at the same rate. We should see some improvement.
I know. Blah, blah, blah, diet. It’s really the only thing going on right now. I’ll say tonight I’ll give him his orgasm, but will I? It all depends on how we’re feeling. I don’t want to just go through the motions to give him one. He’s already convinced I do that. (I don’t.) Rather than going through the motions, I may just have to ignore being uncomfortable. I really want to continue our oral orgasm quest. I’m pretty sure Lion does too.
Balah weight to things I can see in is blog was the treadmill with swatted ass will help and who knows switch for a spanking will help in training for both of you ‘s 🇦🇺🐓🔒🙂
I wonder how Mrs. Lion feels about that. It certainly would either get me moving or more spankings.