I think it will take some time to get used to the massage table. The last time I adjusted it brought it up to the height of the waxing table. I’m not sure that’s where I want it. Of course, the whole thing is strange right now. It seems a little clinical. Detached. It feels weird to be standing over him. We do have a stool, but the wheels never worked well in the pile of the carpet we had in the other house. The pile is lower here so maybe it will work. I’ll bring it out over the weekend. I’m not sure the angle with me sitting will work either. Trial and error, I guess.

The other day I said I didn’t see how I’d give him oral sex on the massage table. He said he could sit on the edge, and I could sit in his office chair (perhaps the stool). We could try it. I like having him across the bed. Of course, if it takes a long time for him to get to the edge, my arms start to fall asleep. If I get him more excited, maybe it won’t take so long. The issue then becomes, getting him excited on the massage table and then moving to the bed. I don’t have an answer for that. We’re just trying things.

Last night I set the massage table up while Lion was in the shower. When I was done with work, I went in the bedroom to relax with him. I told him the table was up whenever he was ready. He asked to wait a while. A little after 8, I had him situate himself face down so I could spank him. It wasn’t a punishment spanking. I didn’t have any mean paddles with me. I wanted hand-to-tush contact. It’s been a long time since I spanked him with my bare hands. I’ll definitely need to toughen them up again. We laughed about how ridiculous my first attempts at spanking were. Even starting out slowly last night, Lion said the swats were harder than the hardest I hit him early on. I’m not sure why he didn’t give up. It really was pathetic. [Lion — It was still fun.]

I did use a few implements. One was a small rug beater. I think it was actually designed as a paddle, but it has the same head of a rug beater. I also had a lightweight wooden spoon. In the good old days, they probably would have sufficed for me. Lion was used to being whomped on. I was not used to whomping. I figured they would be good to use as we re-introduced play spanking. I didn’t want any confusion between play and punishment.

I was hoping having a rosy tush would turn Lion on. It didn’t seem to. I don’t know if I didn’t spank him long enough or if he was just not horny enough. Maybe it was the table. Maybe it was the heat. There are too many variables to know for sure. We just need to keep plugging away.

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