We are less than 50 posts from hitting the 6,000 mark. There’s nothing very special about that number other than it is pretty large. I’d be surprised if any other blog like ours is as extensive. Mrs. Lion and I have written millions of words about a pretty narrow range of topics. In one way or another, almost all of them are about my penis and ass. A lot of people read us every day. I wonder if I have one of the most famous cocks in the world? Should I be proud or profoundly embarrassed?

When we began in February 2014, I figured that very few women would read the Journal. Apparently, nearly half of our readers are women.  A lot of females share my most intimate moments. Since almost none comment, I can’t help but wonder what they are thinking. My wife contributes every day and thinks nothing of us publishing intimate views of me. Do the other women who read us have the same lack of reaction?

In a way, it would be good if they feel the same way. They would be sharing the way we treat our most unusual lifestyle. Things that shock a lot of people are routine for us. I realized how far off center we’ve drifted when I asked a female author who, like me, struggles to get published. She read my first book. It contained some sexually suggestive content. She was fine with that. In my more recent manuscript, two naked women hug, and lesbian sex is suggested but not explicitly described. She was repulsed and said that she was grossed out by those images.

I didn’t think twice about writing that material. It never occurred to me that anyone would be offended. That’s what started me thinking about my other literary effort, this blog. It’s the accurate, unvarnished account of my sex life for the last nine years. You can read about every ejaculation, spanking, and teasing session I’ve experienced. This blog documents in painful detail how we struggled with our sexual differences. You can read about our doubts and share our victories. It documents all this with explicit photography. How many people expose themselves this way?

As a guy, it’s easy for me to understand why other men would enjoy our journal. A lot of it is arousing. I’m less sure why women would want to read such explicitly illustrated sexual content. To be fair, a little less than half of our visitors come to read specific pages, not blog posts. That isn’t surprising to me. I figured that a smaller percentage of our readers would follow our adventures. I was wrong. Over 75 percent of our visitors read current posts.

Maybe it’s a little late to consider what our female readers think of us. Are we making friends? Are the explicit pictures enjoyed? From time to time, I consider removing all of my naked pictures from the blog. The posts and articles wouldn’t be badly hurt if I did. I wonder if your impression of me would improve if you didn’t see my penis and butt. So far, I’ve resisted that temptation.

Another question is why I would want anyone but Mrs. Lion to read our blog. Sure, we’ve have a lot of people read what we write. So what? The blog is an expense and a time suck. In our nine years of blogging, we’ve gotten an average of one comment for each post. Not a lot of encouragement or education from our readers. If I didn’t know how many people spend time reading our blog, I would assume that we are wasting time, money, and energy publishing it. The fact is that millions of people read what we write. Why?

I mentally set 6,000 posts as the marker of when I would reconsider this effort. Now that it is only a few weeks away, I’m starting to question what I am doing. WIIFM? What’s in it for me? As of now, I think very little. I spend a lot of time writing without the thousands of readers each day saying a word.


I’ve taken solace in the very good readership stats and Mrs. Lion’s feedback. The blogs that I like to read always feature very active comments. Not mine.

Well, it looks like I have my answer. Your silence speaks to me. Maybe silence from me will speak back. We’ll hit 6,000 in 18 days or so. I have that long to decide whether or not to pull the plug.

Listen to this post.


  1. Please don’t pull the plug. Although my wife refuses to go down this path so far, hope spings eternal. Your insights have given me much to contemplate and your product reviews have led to several purchases. We also need to know when your next book gets published. Please keep up the good work.

  2. Damn, I feel guilty now! I’ve commented periodically but certainly not regularly. I read your posts consistently though. I feel that you and Mrs Lion have accumulated an extraordinary social record of a couple’s intimate life.

    Your readers wouldn’t keep returning if there wasn’t a connection there.

    1. Author

      You’re right. For some reason, I have a little trouble accepting that our large number of visitors represent votes of confidence for our blog. Your comment means more to me than audience numbers. Thank you!

  3. I agree with Richard. Many times I have read posts by you that I could really relate to in my marriage. Sometimes I have wished that I had the level of communication that you and Mrs. Lion share through your writings on this blog. I have purchased several (too many) items after reading your reviews.
    I have a very sporadic blog which got little to no comments. That does not inspire me to write anything, but it was always intended to be a journal for me and it has served that purpose as I now look back at where our relationship was 8 years ago.
    I can certainly relate to your frustration and would not fault you at all for ending. There are very few blogs that I followed that have lasted as long. Either way, I appreciate the effort that you have made over the years to entertain, educate and inspire your readers.

    1. Author

      Thank you for your ongoing support. Over the years, I’ve wrestled with the cost/benefit value of blogging. Mrs. Lion is much less ambiguous about posting. I figure that if we can assist and entertain with our writing, we’re doing something worthwhile. The challenge is believing we are. Yes, I realize a lot of people read our blog. I wonder if my expectations of conversation is unrealisting and we should just be a magazine. I’m not fond of that idea.

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