Mrs. Lion is under the weather. She’s been off her game for the last few days. I finally convinced her to see her doctor. She is horrible about getting care for herself. She has been taking daily COVID tests and is negative. I worry about her. She’s everything to me. I’m glad that she’s going to get checked out. Obviously, nothing is going on in the sex or spanking departments. That will have to wait until she is better.

I got a new training collar. It has a dedicated controller that is good for over a half mile. I can wander pretty far and still be within Mrs. Lion’s control. The manufacturer claims the receiver battery will last for 10 days between charges. That will come in handy when the collar has to stay on 24/7.

There are some other things I like a lot. The first is the price. It’s only $39.89 USD. You can find it here. The second is that it is very easy to fit. The strap loops around the back of the receiver. The strap has a snap lock. One end is sewn on (female). The other male end is put on like a standard buckle. Simply trim the strap, use a match to seal the end, and attach the buckle. Voila! You’re done. It took less than ten minutes from start to finish.

The receiver comes with two sets of contacts: short and long. I started with the long contacts. They hurt after a while. I switched to the shorter ones. They are comfortable and make very good contact. Before she got sick, Mrs. Lion tested this collar with me. It works very well even with shorter contacts.

There is a vibration mode in addition to shock. She likes to use that mode to say “Hello.” It can also be useful as a warning. If you want to play with this high-tech form of male control, this may be the best bargain out there.

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  1. Thanks. I ordered one for my puppy.

  2. Sorry to hear about Mrs. Lion, I hope that her doctor visit will provide some answers.
    I have long been intrigued by the use of these dog trainers on submissive males, but they were always so expensive for something that may not live up to expectations (my horny brain!). I checked this out on Amazon, was put off by lack of reviews, but there were numerous suggestions offered by Amazon and I ordered another one at the same price

    Sounds like Mrs. Lion has not made much use of yours, I expect that my wife will likely ignore the fact that I have it on, though she does like to tease and startle me and see me react.

    1. Author

      The collar I have is too new for many reviews. I selected this one because it has an easily adjusted strap. The one you ordered doesn’t seem to. I can vouch for the one I reviewed. It works well. Since Mrs. Lion is under the weather, she isn’t making use of mine. I wear it anyway. She will use it when she feels better. That’s the whole point. I wear it all the time. She uses it when she feels like it.

  3. Received the trainer last night and presented the remote to my wife. She was intrigued and tried it out right away. Like I said she has fun jumping out and startling me. She thought it was hilarious to make me jump and squeal when she used the shock button! Even when we were in bed and I was dozing off as she watched videos on her phone she gave me a buzz to wake me up! As the saying goes “be careful what you wish for”. I did think (for just a moment) about whether this might not be a good idea to give her something like this. Oh well, I did it and now will live with it. I really love the attention anyway!

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