This is me after my 20-minute spanking. Click image to view larger.

It is amazing how making sex contingent upon taking my punishment motivates me. I actually asked Mrs. Lion to spank me on Sunday night. She was kind(?) enough to accommodate me. She set the timer to twenty minutes and got to work. I suggested leather paddles which I imagined would be less likely to make me bleed.

Mrs. Lion agreed. She ended up using leather and rubber paddles as well as her crop. I didn’t know what she was using. Everything hurt a lot. She ended up stopping a little short of the full twenty minutes. It was a miserable experience for me. She was no worse for the wear. The leather paddle produced more red and less blood. The combination of tools managed to bruise me and make sitting a bit uncomfortable the next day.

I can’t comment on technique other than to say that when she wants to, my lioness can make that leather paddle hurt and make me yelp loudly. After she finished, she took a shower and joined me in bed. True to her word, after a very long time teasing me by petting my inner thigh but not actually touching her weenie or balls, she played with my penis. I’m sorry to report that I didn’t get hard. It felt good, but I couldn’t get it up.

I guess that I needed to recover from my punishment before I could respond. I was disappointed. Perhaps Monday night will be more productive.

The picture with this post was taken with me on the spanking bench. Mrs. Lion had applied an antiseptic cream before taking it. That’s why I am shiny. My skin felt leather when she was done. My bottom is more tender today than last night. Poor me!

Listen to this post.


  1. That is one red tush!! I’m certain you didn’t enjoy it. lol. But from another perspective, I’m certain you were pleased to get it.

    1. Author

      I’m not a bit happy about it. I do accept that I deservedit.

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