True to her word, Mrs. Lion waxed me today. Between her skill and the fact that less and less hair grows back, waxing has become a quicker, less annoying job for her. She waxed my back side first and then had me turn over. After she got my cock, balls, thighs, chest, and pits hair free, she used oil to remove residual wax and to play with my weenie. It felt very good. I was instantly hard and enjoyed her jerking me off. I didn’t get to the edge but had a good time. Now I am hairless and horny, just the way Mrs. Lion likes me.

It’s disappointing that another summer is winding down without us vacationing. I suppose it can’t be helped. Between COVID, our dogs, and my health, we couldn’t get it together to go away. We are lucky we like to be home together. We’re one of those couples who can be together 24/7 with no problem.

Mrs. Lion has been considering being able to spank me for disrespect or annoying her. She wrote that she couldn’t be consistent because she has to decide if I am at fault or she is having a bad day. Other disciplinary wives say the same thing. I don’t expect robotic consistency. I’m fully aware that there is a threshold I have to cross before a snarl turns into a spanking. Just because I can’t clearly understand where that threshold lies is no problem. It’s a good thing. I have to be very careful because it might be one of those days that my lioness has a hair-trigger.

For the record, I’m not worried about being punished unfairly. She is much more worried about that than I would ever be. Getting spanked for what I think is a very small misstep is a great way to warn me that I must tread carefully around my lioness. There is a fundamental difference between concrete rules, like doing chores, and squishier stuff like being obedient. Rules require consistent enforcement. More subjective offenses don’t. They are in the eye of the lioness. She gets to decide when I’ve crossed the line. If she can accept that, it will be as easy to punish me for disobedience as it is for not setting up the coffee pot.

Listen to this post.


  1. Funny how our wives worry about being unfair in administering spankings, wether or not earned and we don’t seem to mind if it really wasn’t earned.

    1. Author

      True. I keep encouraging Mrs. Lion to worry less about fairness.

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