Yesterday, I wrote a post about some of my favorite sexual memories. The main one involves Mrs. Lion riding me. This sexual position deserves a little more explanation. This isn’t one of those Kama Sutra pretzel positions. Simply put, the man is on his back, legs together, and the woman straddles him, inserting his penis into either vagina or anus.

There are two ways to do this: with the woman facing her partner’s head or facing away from it. There is a world of difference in terms of the male sensations between those two variants. I find it nearly impossible to come when Mrs. Lion rides me and she is facing my head. There’s something about the way my penis and her vagina meet that keeps my sensitive areas untouched.

cowgirl sexual position
Cowgirl position. This is the best position for a woman to orgasm and the worst for a man.

Ironically, this position is one of the easiest ways for a woman to get an orgasm during intercourse. Many women don’t have an easy time coming via penis insertion. According to what I’ve read, about half of all women can’t experience an orgasm during intercourse. However, a woman’s best chance to have an orgasm during intercourse is by riding her partner facing his head. While this position reduces the male’s chance of an orgasm, it vastly improves his partner’s.

She is able to make subtle adjustments in the way his penis hits her sensitive areas. In male-superior positions she doesn’t have that ability. For couples practicing male chastity, this position offers a very good opportunity for intercourse while lowering the risk he will have an accident and ejaculate.

If the woman faces his feet, the opposite is true. It’s an excellent position to get a man to ejaculate. I find it the easiest way for me to get off during intercourse. However, the opposite is true for the woman. The angle of the penis inside her vagina makes it more difficult for her to achieve orgasm. Mrs. Lion knows this, of course, and faces my feet when she wants me to ejaculate inside her.

We learned this through trial and error. I love being ridden. It’s my favorite position. When Mrs. Lion mounted me facing my head, we would go on for a long time without me getting off. We developed a habit of her riding me until she had as many orgasms as she wanted, and then would dismount and masturbate me until I ejaculated. On other occasions, she would ride me until she was happy with how much penetration she had, and then moved forward and let me give her some more orgasms with my tongue. Only after that would she jerk me off.

I love that. It’s not that I consider a hand job the best kind of sex for me. However, it is a wonderful way for me to feel her power. I provide her with both oral and vaginal orgasms, then as my reward she jerks me off.

Not everyone will have the same experience. Some guys will ejaculate in the cowgirl (woman riding him facing his head) position. Generally, it is very difficult for a man to get off that way.

reverse cowgirl position
In the reverse position, it is very easy for the man to achieve orgasm.

The reverse cowgirl position (woman facing his feet) has advantages for her as well. In this case he will almost certainly ejaculate fairly quickly. She will probably not have an orgasm by the time he does. However, all she has to do once he finishes is to slide up his body and put her ass or vagina over his face so he can provide oral attention.

Mrs. Lion would let me finish, then give me a chance to lick her anus. When she felt she had enough, she’d slide back and present her vagina to my tongue. I would then lick her clean (not my favorite job eating semen) and then lick her clitoris until she had as many orgasms as she wanted.

Both positions emphasize female control. In either variance she can sit low and prevent him from moving inside her. With a little practice she can edge him this way. In my opinion, edging is the most female-dominant sexual activity. It harnesses the male’s most powerful instinct: the need to ejaculate. Stopping that from happening just before he is ready to deliver semen is a very powerful message of control. Aside from being massively frustrating, it’s an assertion of her female power. She can arouse him, allow him to enter her, and then stop him before he gets satisfaction.

Edging is the biggest part of my sex life. I estimate that I get edged, on average, at least 20 times for each time I’m allowed to ejaculate. There is no way I can avoid recognizing who controls my sexual pleasure.

Cowgirl and reverse cowgirl are our only positions for intercourse. In the beginning, we usually did it lion (doggy) style. Mrs. Lion would kneel on the bed with her butt right at the edge, and I would stand behind her and enter her. This is a very male dominant position. I had total control of position, speed, and could finish any time I wanted. If she was fast enough, she would get off too. With her on top, she has total control.

reverse cowgirl sitting on face
After having her fill of my penis, Mrs. Lion slides up my body so that she can put her ass or pussy over my face for oral attention.

You may wonder if these female-superior positions make the woman do all the work. They don’t. She can hold herself up so that just the tip of his penis is in her vagina. He can provide the stimulation by humping up and down. If she wants to tease him, he can just settle down so that her vagina has all of his penis inside her. Then he can’t thrust. Female control without doing any of the work.

Over the last few years, Mrs. Lion has lost interest in sex for herself. As a result, I’ve only been ridden once in the last three years. I miss how it feels to be inside my lioness. On the other hand, I’m very happy with the external ways he teases me and gets me off. We both hope her interest in sex will return. When it does I’m sure she will keep my penis and my mouth busy providing her with pleasure.

[Mrs. Lion – Lion has been ridden more than once in the past three years. I don’t have an exact number, but it’s more than once. More than twice too.]