Lion is smooth as a baby’s butt after I waxed him. There are no hairs to tickle my nose either on his shoulder or at the base of his penis. His balls are hair-free too. I didn’t play with him much while he was oiled up. My back was starting to hurt and the wax was not coming off easily. I made sure I cleaned the areas and oiled them before I started. Why is the damn wax sticking? Oh well. I finally got it off after soaking with oil.

I did a few chores while Lion showered to get all the oil off. We watched part of our football game before waxing and watched the rest while eating dinner. Our sorry team actually won. Unfortunately, the local team did not. I took a shower after I cleaned up from dinner and was ready for Lion before 8.

From our conversation earlier in the day, I wasn’t sure if Lion would be up for anything. His sadness is not just from not working or from thinking he’s selfish. It’s also because I don’t want sex so he can’t satisfy me and we don’t have “regular” vaginal sex. I have to say, it really doesn’t bother me that I don’t want sex. I guess I’ve gotten used to it. Apparently it really bothers Lion, so I’ll go have my damn pap smear and find out what to do about my libido. Blood test will likely rule out (or in) some issues.

Maybe it’s all in my head. Maybe I really do just have to suck it up and “enjoy” sex again. That may be as likely as Lion snapping out of his sadness. Is it stupid of me to be rooting for a hormonal imbalance or brain tumor to explain it? At least there would be a cause.

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