Over the last seven years, I have learned to cherish the orgasms I’m allowed to experience. For almost my entire post-pubescent life I’ve had at least one a day. A very large percentage of those daily orgasms were with partners. When one wasn’t available, I masturbated. I thought that this was the way to remain sexually active; you know, use it or lose it.

When Mrs. Lion lost interest in sex I tried to keep the home fires burning by masturbating at least three times a week. I wasn’t really enjoying it but felt it was important to keep the equipment in good shape. I missed sex with my lioness terribly. Then I got the bright idea of enforced male chastity. I reasoned that even if my opportunities to ejaculate were limited by wearing a male chastity device, the role of keyholder would remind Mrs. Lion to pay some sexual attention to me. Sneaky lion.

It worked. We both got into orgasm denial. At first, Mrs. Lion would unlock me every night and jerk me off. I discovered that this frequency was too much for me. Maybe the years of two-to-three-times-a-week had recalibrated me. Perhaps I was wanting to experience the frustration of having to wait. After all, that was what I expected when I asked to be locked up. Mrs. Lion was agreeable when I asked her to make me wait more than one day.

She edged me every day or two. She jerked me off a couple of times a week. Over the first three years, I rarely went more than four days between ejaculations. Then I needed shoulder surgery. I wasn’t interested in sex for over 20 days. When I felt better, my twice-a-week orgasms resumed.

Meanwhile, I changed in an unexpected (for me, at least) way. I lost interest in masturbating. On the night Mrs. Lion agreed to lock me up, I told her I had been jerking off. She was surprised. She had no idea I masturbated. I was surprised when she told me that she didn’t ever want me to do that again. Really? Every guy jerks off. No matter. She hates the idea of me getting myself off. That same night she had me jerk off while she watched. That was the last time for me.

I still don’t understand her dislike of letting me masturbate. In prior relationships when my partner was tired or not in the mood for sex, she might have me masturbate while she “helped,” usually by tickling my balls. A lot of women find watching men masturbate a fun spectator sport, not Mrs. Lion.

Because I was locked in a chastity device except when she was teasing me, I couldn’t masturbate if I wanted to. After over three years of nearly-continuous lockup, I lost interest in jerking off. I haven’t even thought about getting myself off in years. Mrs. Lion is my only sexual outlet.

In the last six months or so I ejaculate about every two weeks. I don’t think Mrs. Lion decided to extend my waits. It is harder for her to get me to the edge for about ten days after an orgasm. We both thought it was just a normal change in my sexual cycle. It might be. It may just be that it takes more stimulation (longer time) to get me to the edge. I start losing confidence that I can come and lose my erection. When Mrs. Lion persists, she can almost always get me there if she wants.

Since she stops before I get close to orgasm, when I finally get to that point after 10 – 14 days, I’m in no rush to ejaculate. I like the extreme excitement I feel when she brings me to the brink. That’s why I asked her to start the clock when she gets me that far, not before. This can push my waits to well over 20 days. She doesn’t like this very much.

Another more-tiring-for-Mrs.-Lion approach could be to try to reverse the trend and get me to the edge as soon after I ejaculate as she can. Maybe even give me orgasms as often as she can produce them. I’m certain not to love this technique very much, but maybe it can reverse the trend to longer waits that she doesn’t like.

I would guess that in the beginning, she will not get me too far for the first week or so. Over time this is bound to change. If you think that this is just a sneaky way to get more orgasms, you are wrong. The current pace is just fine with me. It’s comfortable and fun. At least, in the beginning, much more frequent ejaculation won’t be nearly as much fun for me. Eventually, I will get used to the new, more frequent pace and enjoy it. Then Mrs. Lion can make me wait 20 days again. Mean lioness!

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  1. Interesting. We’ve been playing with chastity for several years now. I’m normally locked, and usually have my orgasm denied for extended periods of time. Last Spring (prior the world melting down) she was taking me out for an edge session and edged too far. I cleaned up and locked up. The next night she did it again, and again on the third night, and then again the next morning. Instead of being relieved, I began to dread it — as it made lock-up again so much more uncomfortable, and the middle of the night erections much more painful. She kept it up until I literally got on my knees and begged her not to make me cum. Her response… “Interesting.”

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