Lion’s birthday is tomorrow. Since I can’t afford any big-ticket items, I decided to order some New York delicacies. I got him the “Birthday Box” from Katz’s deli. I guess it’s one of the last remaining famous deli’s. Lion can have corned beef and pastrami on rye with real deli mustard. Or he can have a reuben. He can have a half-sour or full-sour pickle on the side. I also added some plain bagels and matzo ball soup. And he can finish it off with a black and white cookie. It’ll be almost like being back in New York, if only for a few minutes. [Lion comments — I ate at Katz’s regularly my entire life. I am overwhelmed by this amazing, thoughtful gift.]

I like surprising Lion. Apparently this year’s theme is food. I got him lobster rolls from Maine for our anniversary. But I don’t always surprise him with food. Sometimes I do it with orgasms. I’m not sure which he likes better. [Lion comments — Food is always an appropriate gift for me. Come to think about it, so is an orgasm.]

The food is certainly harder to come by. And he’s probably thinking he’ll get an orgasm for his birthday. I usually give him one on special occasions. However, if he thinks he’ll get one, maybe it’s not so special. It definitely won’t be a surprise. So maybe I should wait. Then again, if I tell him I’m waiting I could theoretically surprise him with one if he’s not expecting it.

The reality is, we haven’t been doing anything sexual since his sore spot and bruise developed. Now the original sore spot is mostly gone, but the bruise morphed into a sore spot. The doctor says it doesn’t appear to be infected. I’m not quite sure what it is if not infected, but Lion says it doesn’t hurt as much.

He wanted to play last night, but I guess I wasn’t up for it. I didn’t have anything going on other than dinner sitting like a brick in my stomach. That’s not insurmountable. I’ll check with him later to see how my weenie feels and looks. We’ll probably play tonight. Whether he gets his birthday orgasm remains to be seen.

In about an hour, Lion will say, “Are you getting hungry? I’m hungry. What do you want to do about lunch?” Okay. He won’t ask what I want to do about lunch but he will ask if I’m hungry. We already know what to do about lunch. We’re off to New York for a deli experience.

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  1. Happy birthday, Lion! Mine was yesterday (the 7th)!

    1. Happy birthday to both of us!

    1. I loved the gifts! Thank you for your good wishes!

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