We use our blog as a sort of safe space. That’s not entirely accurate. I use it as a safe space, Mrs. Lion uses it to report the latest news. I often float ideas that I think might be fun. Mrs. Lion almost always ignores them. Or, if she doesn’t, she never lets me know her reaction unless I ask her directly.

I had 3 orgasms in July as opposed to 4 in July 2019. My total for the year to date is 22 versus 31 in 2019.

For the record, I’m not proposing anything today. I am still locked in my now-pink Evotion chastity device. When wearing a chastity device, I get to see a lot more of my balls. The device keeps them front and center. They are also divided by the cage.

I ended July with just three orgasms. This brings my total to 22 so far this year compared with 31 at the same time in 2019. I expect that my total will continue shrinking compared to last year. This is especially true now that Mrs. Lion is feeling less inclined to let me ejaculate. We both agree that it’s more fun when it’s fairly easy to edge me. An orgasm resets my sexual clock and it takes at least four days before edging is easy again.

On Sunday night Mrs. Lion unlocked me. I had been in the cage without release for play for 48 hours. That’s not a big deal. My penis was very happy to escape its cage. I was getting hard before she even touched me. When I’m wild, that just doesn’t happen. I think that the chastity device’s suppression of erections may have something to do with this. More than preventing unauthorized ejaculation, the device absolutely prevents any expression of sexual arousal. Apparently my body knows the difference between an erection that has been stifled by the cage and one that is allowed to grow unencumbered.

I don’t think that Mrs. Lion is convinced that edging me and observing my frustration is particularly entertaining. I imagine she needs to be in a kind of mood to enjoy my frustration before it’s really fun for her. I don’t think it was particularly entertaining for her on Sunday night. I had a good time up to a point.

All of this post so far took place within less than 30 minutes. Some of our readers wonder what we do with the other 23 1/2 hours. When we are home, or for that matter when I’m home alone, I am completely naked. Mrs. Lion sometimes joins me in an unclothed state but others find her in shorts and a T-shirt.

On Sunday we slept in. I woke up about 9 AM and Mrs. Lion snoozed until about 10. When we were both awake, I put on the TV and we watched QVC. There is a Sunday kitchen show we enjoy. We rarely buy anything but enjoy seeing the presentations. This week, they featured breaded chicken breasts for a mere six dollars each. Holy crap! People actually buy them.

In the past, we’ve ordered delicious crumb cake and croissants made and frozen in France. You put the frozen dough on a cookie sheet and bake for about 30 minutes. I don’t know what they cost. They’re just wonderful! Unlike the chicken breasts, there’s nothing like them here in the Pacific Northwest. We also by an occasional gadget. We avoid cookware and knives. I suppose we are snobs, at least I am. I have very specific taste in cutlery and cookware. I have professional chef knives. I got them very inexpensively from the manufacturer when I exhibited at a housewares show along with them.

After we wrote our posts, I got dressed and we drove in search of farm stands. I was surprised to learn that there actually are farms on our side of the Cascade Mountains. The climate on the west side of the mountains, particularly in the Seattle area, tends to be relatively cloudy and cool. We get a lot of sun through the summer months into October. However, the temperatures remain quite cool. Most of the summer has daytime highs in the 80s and at night it goes down as low as 50. Our latitude is actually north of the top of the state of Maine. Our peculiar geography keeps our temperatures moderate. Our winters rarely go below freezing. Garrison Keillor once commented that in our area we have spring nine months of the year and summer for the remaining three.

We managed to score some beets, pickle-sized cucumbers. We would have to drive another 50 or 60 miles across the mountain pass to get to the much hotter, farming areas of the state if we want fruit and other veggies. Our side of the mountains has very little until later in the year.

After we got home, Mrs. Lion did some chores and I did some reading. I’m disappointed that I’m not steady enough on my feet to be particularly helpful around the house. Of course, I set up the coffee pot. Failing to do that earns me a meeting with Mrs. Lion’s paddle. Speaking of which, it’s been well over a week since she’s spanked me.

We had leftover Chinese food for dinner. Yum! Mrs. Lion took a shower and then once back in the bedroom, asked me what sort of play I wanted. I had no suggestion. She said that I would be sorry and smiled. Before I knew it, she had her Velcro out. She had unlocked me just before getting the Velcro. As she put a band around my penis, she commented that it was too bad I was getting hard on my own. The Velcro really hurts if she puts it on while I’m soft and then she makes me hard. The compression combined with the prickly Velcro hooks is quite unpleasant.

Even though I was a little hard, her Velcro band had the opportunity to put a strong squeeze on me. If I complain, she mentions that if I didn’t like it I wouldn’t get hard. No fair! She also likes to make that comment when putting extremely painful tiny clothespins on the head of my penis. She laughs and says that her weenie gives me away.


I suppose it does. Sometimes life just isn’t fair. Even so, we managed to have a very good time. We aren’t particularly social creatures so the necessary isolation dictated by the pandemic doesn’t really bother us at all. We are happy with each other’s company. We like going on our little adventures and otherwise we stay home and make adventures of our own.