Lion had a doctor appointment yesterday afternoon. On the way home we picked up a belated birthday cake and then decided to have dinner at a nearby casino. We had coupons for a free buffet dinner. We like the casino because of the flashing lights and musical machines. We also like to people watch. The outfits alone are entertaining.

Needless to say we didn’t get home in time for Lion fun. At least Lion sex fun. He has a different kind of fun at the casino. We had to shower to get the cigarette smoke and casino perfume out of our hair. And then we watched some TV. Oh yeah. We are party animals!

Today we’re putting in a new thermostat, connecting Lion’s computer to all of his peripherals, installing a towel rack, and maybe unpacking more stuff. Boring. I know. But I’ll make sure we save some energy for Unlocktober. Lion’s probably very horny again. It’s been a few days, after all.

Right now we’re off to Home Depot to find a tool that Lion doesn’t already have. That amazes me. I was pretty sure he had every tool ever invented. And then we’re back for more fun getting the house set up. I know you’re jealous. Who wouldn’t want to have this much fun?


  1. I’m tremendously jealous. I think of all the stuff I’ve done to my home and just want to do it all over again!

    Nah. Once is enough.

    1. I’m happy to let you do ours!

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