We’ve been challenged recently by a combination of issues that range from my health to needing a new home. We may have found a new house to rent. It’s about half the size of the one we have now so there is no question we will have to get rid of a great deal of stuff. I’m okay with that. I’m not sure I have the energy to actually do it. We have no choice, so one way or another Mrs. Lion and I are going to downsize at least to some extent.

All of this activity has made it difficult to think about things we like to do. I’m hoping we can get back on track even in the face of our challenges. I’m confident we can do that. I’m not confident we can manage the other stuff. We spent all day Wednesday with Mrs. Lion driving me to and accompanying me on medical visits. We both had to miss work. It was a good thing I didn’t have my chastity device on. One of the things I had to do was get a MRI. You can’t do that with the chastity device on, even a plastic one like my Cherry Keeper.

That’s the reason you didn’t see a post from Mrs. Lion yesterday. We were on the road from 8:30 AM on. We got home at about 5 PM and I sat down to write this post. It’s been a while since my last orgasm. I think it’s been nine days. That’s a long time for me. Mrs. Lion keeps me on a regular schedule, spacing my ejaculations between four and 10 days. The average for me is around seven days. I don’t think she planned this. It just seems to feel right to her. Over the years, I think my body has adjusted to this rhythm.

It isn’t carved in stone. She can shorten or lengthen the spacing at any time. I know that she doesn’t consciously keep track of how long it’s been since my last orgasm. Usually, while she is teasing me, she just decides to push things all the way. She has no special reason when she does.

Nevertheless, Mrs. Lion has a pretty regular internal clock when it comes to getting me off. Of course, my internal clock ticks as well. I think I’m probably more responsive during her window of “opportunity”. From the perspective of male chastity and our FLRD, we agree that how often I ejaculate is largely irrelevant. What counts is that it’s all up to her.

There are times when I wish I could get myself off. I’m just horny. Actually, I don’t really want that. Since Mrs. Lion isn’t interested in sex for herself, I like to think of what we do is a way to share my sexual excitement. I like the fact that it’s something for both of us.

1 Comment

  1. Glad you’ve found a place. Moving is a pain and downsizing even more annoying but everyone does it at some time. Hope the doctors appointments went well.

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