spanking spoon paddle on lion's butt
Lion’s late-night surprise. He never expected to be spanked just before going to sleep. I gave him something to dream about.

Yesterday was an amazing waste of time. Well, not exactly. It started out okay. We made it to the doctor’s office and Lion was seen fairly quickly. We were making plans for lunch on the way home. And then the doctor said he wanted Lion to have an MRI, an ultrasound and blood work. By the time the tests were set up, any chance of lunch was gone. And then things started going in slow motion. We were struggling to stay awake and we were hungry. We didn’t make it back home until almost 5.

I didn’t feel like following any recipes or expending much energy, so I announced we’d be having tortelloni. Lion asked for a salad, which is just a bag to open and toss, so I did that too. My stomach wasn’t feeling well. It wouldn’t surprise me if I’m developing an ulcer. But, dammit, I have to spank Lion and edge him. He told me how horny he was. I didn’t want to push it off another day no matter how I felt.

When I came out of the shower, Lion was under the covers. I didn’t want to drag him out so I decided to put off his spanking. I managed to edge the horny boy at least five times. Right to the edge. Why he didn’t have a ruined orgasm is beyond me. I don’t think I’ve edged him that much in a long time. I’ve only been doing it two or three times lately. I guess I figured if he was horny, I should take advantage of that and make it much worse. So I did. Much worse.

We gave the dog her ice cream and we had some of our own. When I let the dog out, I realized (duh!) there’s no reason Lion has to get spanked before we play. Why can’t I spank him after? So I did. For whatever reason, it was a longer spanking. I didn’t necessarily hit him hard the entire time, but I made sure he knew he was getting spanked.

This morning he said he was very surprised that I spanked him after I edged him. Me too. I just never thought of doing it before. I try to give him time between his spanking and playing. I don’t want him to confuse the two. Spanking afterwards is a viable option. And it makes Lion think about sore buns as he’s falling asleep.

[Lion — Last night I was thinking about what I might want to write for Friday’s post. I was planning to write about what a creature of habit Mrs. Lion is. In fact, I was going to write about her pattern of showering, spanking me, waiting a while, playing. Then, out of the blue, after our late evening snack Mrs. Lion picked up her paddle and told me to get in position for spanking. I was quite surprised. I was even more surprised by the length and depth of the spanking. It was easily one of Mrs. Lion’s most complete. I think she was holding back a bit with her swats. Unless I do something else wrong today, tonight is my last spanking for current offenses.]