spahing spoon on Lion's butt
This is the chechin spanking spoon shown on our size indicator (my butt). It’s made from very dense Chechen wood. This is the meanest paddle we own.
(Click image to view larger)

Every time I offer suggestions that make Mrs. Lion more effective in spanking her husband who happens to be me. I get feedback wondering why I would want to make things worse for myself. It’s a fair question. Certainly, during my more severe spankings I wonder what I was thinking. The truth is I did the right thing.

The fantasy is that my disciplining wife arrived in my life as a practiced spanker and punisher. How many of these do you think exist? Ding! Ding! Ding! That’s right, almost none. There’s a good reason for this: The overwhelming majority of women have never had either the desire or opportunity to punish a man, or anyone else for that matter. Even if they were strict mothers who spanked their children, they are still unprepared for disciplining a grown man.

Fantasies aside, you would be very hard-pressed to find a club or class for disciplining wives. In a way that’s too bad. There is technique involved in administering spankings, for example. Surprisingly, 20 years ago if you lived in a fairly large city, there were workshops readily available on many of the subjects a well-trained disciplining wife needs. I have attended and taught many spanking workshops. I’ve also attended workshops on anal activities, cock and ball torture, as well as many other useful topics.

Almost all disciplining wives are largely self-taught when it comes to spanking and other punishments. It’s not rocket science. For example, you really don’t need to know much to effectively use a paddle on a man’s bottom. Once you understand the safe zone between the center of his butt and the center of his thighs, you’ve had your safety training.

The much harder topic is how hard and how much? Many spankers answer this question by judging how they feel during spanking. This is probably why it took years for Mrs. Lion to become a truly effective spanker. She loves me and doesn’t want to hurt me. Sometimes she needs my encouragement to push past her current level.

I believe an effective spanking has to go past the point that I’m willing to accept it. It has to demonstrate that I have absolutely no control over what’s happening to me. It has to be bad enough to deter me from repeating an offense. The problem for the spanker is that if she doesn’t go past that point, essentially it’s a play spanking; one that I would want as opposed to one that I am getting because I earned it.

The objective isn’t to injure me. It’s to send and educational message. I will only get this message if the spanking is long enough and hard enough to make me truly wish I wasn’t getting it. It’s very difficult for the spanker to judge when this line is crossed. In easy cases, the man produces tears. That’s generally a good indication he has surrendered to the punishment and any spanking he gets after the tears begin will be perceived as true punishment.

I’ve never cried during the spanking. A lot of men are like me. I don’t know why, but that’s how I am. That makes Mrs. Lion’s job more difficult. She knows she needs to spank me until I realize I am being punished. She doesn’t want to spank me so much that she’s being abusive. In fact, she would never be abusive for spanking me since it is something completely consensual. It still begs the question about how much is enough?

opportunities to spank new areas
You can see that a considerable amount of real estate didn’t get as much attention as the sides. This is an opportunity to extend the spanking.

Saturday night, she upped the ante. The spanking was longer and the swats more severe. If you look at the picture she took after she finished, you can see that there were two main target areas, one on each side of my bottom. There was relatively little marking between them.

In a real sense this is a lost opportunity. From the markings it’s obvious that Mrs. Lion did a very thorough job on to relatively small areas of my butt. A much larger part of my “sit space” shows no marking at all. This doesn’t mean that Mrs. Lion’s spanking technique is poor or needs improvement. It just suggests that she has a lot more opportunities to make her point.

Typically, she’ll apply 10 or 15 hard strokes to one spot (e.g.: the left side of my left cheek) and then repeat on the other side of my crack about the same distance from center. With all that available real estate she has another three opportunities on each side to repeat those 10 to 15 swats. She has two on each side close to my crack running down vertically from the top. She has at least two more areas on each side directly below the existing marks.

When she uses one of her small-headed paddles she can easily localize her striking area and extend into this new territory. If she uses one of the larger paddles it may be a little more difficult, but she can use the changing color of my cheeks to guide her.

This suggestion will allow her to greatly extend the amount of time she swats me. As I’ve noted before, I am very aware of how long a punishment goes on. I am less aware of the intensity of each swat.