No Cum for Me

Lion wanted to try using lube when I play with him. I swear he said he didn’t like it. Then he said he wanted to use it every time. I thought maybe we’d try it now and then like we use the Magic Wand. Nope. I guess he’s looking at it as another experiment. He wants to see what will happen. Fair enough.

In all fairness, I probably should have tied his balls or used some clothespins to get him more excited. Instead, I just put some lube on my hand and started slowly yanking my weenie. There was definitely a response. He got hard. He just didn’t do more than that.

In the past he’s said I use too much lube. To me, if it’s supposed to be mimicking a vagina, it needs to be somewhat slurpy. He’s the one who’s been in a vagina so he’d be the one to ask, but I think we needed a little more lube.

Lion thinks we needed a different motion. I’m not sure what motion. Up and down? In and out? That’s the same round about motion. I’m willing to try if he can explain to me what he wants. Even if it’s wrong. If it’s an experiment then we can try all sorts of different things. Maybe it was the wrong lube. I think it was a silicone lube but I may be wrong. Maybe it was the wrong silicone lube. It’s not like we don’t have a bunch of different lubes around. That’s just the one I used to use.

By the time I got Lion anywhere near the edge, I figured he wouldn’t get there easily again so I gave him an orgasm. In hindsight, I probably should have just stopped and tried again tonight. Nothing says I have to get him to the edge. I am reluctant to give up on him if he’s willing to continue, though. If he says we’re done, I stop.

The one thing I didn’t think about until I gave Lion his orgasm, is that I don’t get to eat the Lion crème filling when I use lube. Boooo! Foul! Flag on the play! Illegal use of the lube. Oh well. He won’t always get to come when I use lube.