As you might imagine, not too much is happening here. The power company hasn’t managed to even start fixing our downed power line. Our energy is going into staying warm and keeping the generator gassed up.

Stubborn optimism prevails. We’re into the 2nd day of this. Mrs. Lion has been great. So far, we’ve been eating out. We have a camping stove and I guess we will  break it out and start cooking. A few years ago, we had no power for five days. We don’t want to go through that again.

With no hot water, we both need showers. When we get the camp stove out of the garage, sponge baths are in order. We also have to get some ground coffee so we can brew some, camp style.

Mrs. Lion is staying home from work. I’m glad. It makes this easier to face. She’s napping now. She didn’t sleep well last night — neither of us did — worrying that the house doesn’t get too cold.

We’re confined to the bedroom. It’s the only room with power and TV. Her iPad games work without Internet, though we have it via our phones acting as hot spots.

So, she can play her games. I have keyboard for my iPad and I’m writing using it. While we are somewhat restricted, we have managed to keep things running well enough to be comfortable.

I asked Mrs. Lion if we could do her experiment once a week. That would let me heal and not have the spankings become the center of our lives. When the power comes back, I’m due for my next installment. In a way, I’m looking forward to it. I get aroused when I think about being spanked. That’s another reason to cut back the frequency; it gives me time to anticipate it.

Since we have heat (propane) and light in our bedroom, our rules are still in full force. Today is punishment day. I’m on my best behavior. I haven’t been punished since Mrs. Lion began her spanking experiment. Given how painful her experiment is, I’m sure a punishment would be horrible.

Of course, it should be. That’s the way they are supposed to be. I’m in no rush to discover just how bad one will be.


  1. You must be fairly well out in the country. Urban areas are usually fixed pretty quickly. Here’s hoping they get you powered up soon!!

    1. Author

      We’re on a mountainside. We can’t see our neighbors. Power is especially important to us. Plus, I’m getting horny.

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