We did wind up snuggling last night. Lion said it felt good when I fondled him but nothing came of it. That’s not a problem. I like playing with my weenie and the boys. And we were close which is always nice. Maybe tonight there will be some more action.

This morning, Lion said he forgot to tell me Monday was punishment day. It’s true. I don’t believe he reminded me. I decided it was a holiday so I was very nice to him and forgave him. Where’s my reward for being extra nice? He didn’t think about that, did he? I’m kidding, of course. I just don’t feel like punishing him.

Tonight I’ll try to entice Lion to play by bringing out the Box O’Fun. Not sure how much fun it will actually be for him but we’ll give it a shot. Again, it’s completely fine if he’s not interested in sex. I never think he’s broken like he does. Everyone is entitled to some down time. As long as we can still be close we’re fine. Holding hands or snuggling is absolutely fine with me.

This weekend I’ll need to do some hair investigation. Lion says he feels the hair growing back. So far I haven’t felt it. I’ll get him under the bright lights and see if I can find it. It may be some I missed the first time through. I was also wondering if it was possibly new growth since not all follicles fire at once. Whatever it is, I’ll take care of it. I haven’t decided if I like his hairless look but I’ll go with it for now.

We made the four-hour drive home from the beach yesterday. It was a pleasant trip. We talked and watched the scenery go by. We also decided we would squeeze another long weekend at the beach in before the fall rains. We’ve gotten very accomplished at preparing our camper for travel. What was once a stressful comedy of lions dashing hither and thither, as become a nearly graceful ballet of directed activity.

I’m having trouble with my eyes. At times, I can hardly see through my left eye. I think it is allergy related. With any luck, after allergy season, things will return to normal. Until then, it’s a struggle. I didn’t mean to serve whine with my post. But if you are wondering why I make strange typos, that’s it.

I think this is one of my low-libido periods. Every so often I am less horny than usual. That doesn’t mean that Mrs. Lion can’t get my motor running if she wants. She can. But if she doesn’t try, I hardly notice. Maybe I’m not in the doldrums yet. On our way home yesterday, I had some distinctly sexual thoughts about my lioness and I.

We’re settled in at home. We love our bed here. Sleeping in the camper isn’t that easy. We’ve gotten used to our softer at-home bed. Hopefully, by the time we head out next year, we’ll have a new mattress like the one we have at home. I’ve traveled a lot on business and generally slept well. The mattress in our camper is a good one. It’s a nice, queen-sized memory foam unit. It’s only a year old. Here at home, we have a Sleep Number bed. It’s a lot more comfortable. We’ll save our pennies and get one for travel.

I know this isn’t a very sexy post. Maybe I am in the sexual doldrums after all.

We’re getting a late start this morning. We both finally got some sleep. And Lion’s tummy is bothering him. Right now it’s the time we left home on Thursday. It will probably take us an hour or so to get ready.

There’s no real rush to get home. We try to avoid rush hour but there is always traffic in certain spots no matter what we do. Once we get through those areas we’ll be fine.

I’m not sure how tired we’ll be when we get home. We have to unpack the camper but a lot of it can stay until the weekend or when we winterize. Then there will be things that need to be done at home.

By tonight I’m sure we’ll still have energy for snuggling. We might even have energy for some play. Lion is looking forward to the Box O’Fun. I see pain in his future. How much? That’s entirely up to him. He’s the one who chooses.

We’re both looking forward to getting back home and back to playing. Even if it’s just simple edging with no other play, it will be a step in the right direction. At home we’re not tired from vacation adventures. Our normal sounds very good right now.

It’s been a month since my Brazilian waxing. Mrs. Lion did a very good job. Hair is starting to return to my balls. I can also feel some on my thighs and legs. A few hairs are returning to my chest as well. It may be time for a rewax.

The hair I can see is definitely finer and softer. It’s also not coming back in the quantity that was removed. Mrs. Lion’s job will be a lot easier in maintenance mode. I’m happy with how I look. Mrs. Lion hasn’t commented. Even if she decides to let some of my hair grow back, I doubt it will be as thick.

This is the last day of our vacation. We drive home today. It’s been a very nice trip. Even though it was cool and cloudy most of the time, we had a great time prowling around the area. Once we get home, we’ll be winterizing our camper. This is our last camping trip of the year. I’m sorry to see the summer end. It’s my favorite season of the year.

I’m hoping we will play more. I think we should go back to our Box O’Fun. It’s hazardous to me since there are quite a few cards in it that hurt quite a bit. Despite that, I love the suspense of gambling with BDSM. Now that 2.0 is fully resident, I have no doubt that I will suffer even the most vicious activity in the box if I pick it.

I’m brave now. I might regret that I asked for the box to return. That, believe it or not is also part of the fun. Right? Maybe. I think so. Well, maybe I spoke too fast.