I’ve been thinking about wearing a chastity device. As Mrs. Lion said yesterday in her post, I won’t masturbate or stray. That eliminates the main reasons to lock my penis in a cage. At least it seems to. Wearing a chastity device is inconvenient for both of us. It makes peeing awkward at times. It requires Mrs. Lion to remove a lock or security screw for access to her weenie. Being wild makes things easier all around.

In the beginning, almost five years ago, I asked to be locked up. Mrs. Lion agreed because it was something I wanted. The cage re-energized our physical relationship. Now that the cage has been off for months now, we find that our sex life remains very active. There is one change. I get more frequent orgasms. My average wait is down almost two days from 2017. I don’t know if that is significant or attributable to my being wild.

All this looks like the need for physical restraint is gone. Maybe. One other thing has changed over the years: The decision of when or if I am caged has passed fully to Mrs. Lion. In the beginning, it was my choice. That evolved to it being all Mrs. Lion. That was the dream, after all.

It looks like that decision has returned to me. Mrs. Lion will cage me if I want. That makes my chastity device more like a sort of kinky clothing than a functional bondage device. Maybe that’s what it always was and I turned a blind eye toward that reality.

Now, after all these years I can’t ignore that fact. It’s not that I want to be forced into a cage again. It’s also not that I don’t. Mrs. Lion wrote that if I want to wear it on weekends, I can. That seems silly to me. I’ve worn that cage for years. There’s no particular thrill being caged from Friday night to Monday morning. That sort of sentence is for diapers, not a chastity device.

Mrs. Lion has avoided using enforced chastity as part of her punishment arsenal. Sex has always been separate. Similarly, she has refused to punish me by keeping my caged extra days. So, the chastity device doesn’t fit our BDSM play; at least up until now.

It’s something else. Has being wild taken something away from me? It’s possible it has. I still think about the hardware. I even bought an inexpensive Chinese cage that is only an inch long. I’ve been looking at Steelwerks devices. I’ve also been corresponding with a custom cage maker about product improvements.

Obviously, my interest in chastity devices is still very strong. I don’t like the idea of wearing a device as a piece of male jewelry. You may believe this is all a no-brainer. “Lock him up!” We get that reader feedback a lot. Maybe that’s what we should do.

1 Comment

  1. Self-imposed chastity is a strange area – I mean, why on Earth would someone want to deprive themselves of one of life’s great pleasures: the rush of orgasm? Well there are several reasons people enjoy chastity and they are’t all to do with submissiveness.

    Yes, chastity is a kind of portable bondage and many like that feeling along with the feeling of being controlled which are both great for those of a submissive nature when chastity is imposed and the ultimate is the turn-on due to always wanting something more when you can’t have it – the kick you get out of pure frustration. But for those to really work, chastity has to be imposed, not purely voluntary.

    The main pleasure of self-imposed chastity comes (no pun intended) with orgasm denial and is down to whether the individual prefers staying in the heightened state of arousal before orgasm rather than having a few seconds of ecstasy followed by the deflated feeling which can immediately follow and then the boredom of the refractory period. Foreplay or the use of pornography when alone can be far more ‘satisfying’ if the resulting arousal isn’t spoiled (!) by a climax and we all know how difficult it is to edge. Wear an effective chastity device (and most aren’t) and the climax is rendered impossible so foreplay and/or pornography can be enjoyed at length with no risk of going OTT.

    Quick thrill or prolonged pleasure – your choice.

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