cowboy boots
These are my cowboy boots. I’m bellied up to the bar.

Punishment day (Thursday), went by without a punishment or maintenance spanking. We had dinner at a barbecue restaurant. I took an enormous risk by ordering baby back ribs. I was very careful to disregard table manners and lean way over my plate. I am happy to say that there wasn’t a drop of anything on my shirt.

We spent Thursday driving across a beautiful pass and then shopped and ate. It was fun. We got back to the trailer about four o’clock. The next two hours we relaxed and then drove to the local town for our barbecue dinner. Actually, we wanted pizza but the local pizza place was closed. Apparently, it only opens on Friday and Saturday. We’ll try again.

Two years ago, we were here and shopped across the pass (about 60 miles from our trailer). We both bought cowboy boots. It’s one of those purchases you know you won’t really use. But we both liked the idea a lot. I wore mine last night. They felt fine. I will wear them again on this trip.

Our Female Led Relationship with Discipline (FLRD) isn’t the sort you read about with Mrs. Lion being the demanding mistress. Our relationship has always been perfect for us. We didn’t see changing it when we adopted FLRD. Instead, we gradually tried new things. The first was punishment for breaking rules. We remain at that phase. Over time, punishment changed. It’s become more severe and unpleasant for me.

To some, it may seem that we should make more dramatic changes to our lives. We don’t agree. However, as Mrs. Increased the intensity of punishment, I’ve felt more controlled by her. It’s one thing to know I would have a pink bottom for spilling. It’s another to realize a long, very painful spanking will be coming for even the slightest slip. It makes me much more conscious of her authority. Even though she hasn’t punished me for anything other than a rule violation, I’m very aware that she might punish me any time she feels I need it.

When we started this, I didn’t realize that Mrs. Lion’s authority would grow, not by imposing more restrictions and controls, but by intensifying my punishments. It came as a surprise. I think Mrs. Lion is surprised too.

She’s committed to intensifying punishments further. She wants to perfect spanking. I’m not sure exactly what that means, but I’m sure I’ll be feeling it even more. Then she will move on to other things.

This may seem cruel to you. It’s not. If we don’t want to change the way we live, but we still want FLRD, the key is to make small changes and by using discipline, make those little changes count a lot. I don’t think either of us planned this. I had no idea it would work out this way.

At least for now, we have a path that works. It’s a painful path for me, but that’s the price I pay for forgetting and breaking a rule.