We are home again. After a smooth seven-hour drive the Lions are safe in their den. On our trip to a former gold town, we visited a county fair. My one takeaway from the fair was that it would be cool to have cowboy boots. After all, we live in the West. Boots wouldn’t be out of place here. So, we ventured out to find them. There was a disappointing selection in town, so we drove across a mountain pass (5, 575 Ft.) to Coleville Washington, a much bigger town. There we found a great selection and Mrs. Lion and I both sport brand new cowboy/girl boots. We are both very pleased with these purchases.

Over the years, we get interesting comments about our posts. Sometimes these comments give a view into the life of the writers. When an individual comments over time, we can read how their life has evolved in terns of enforced chastity and FLR.  I love learning how others interpret these practices.

One of our frequent commentators is Mark. Yesterday, he updated us on his life:

“Although my wife and I aren’t traveling down the path of domestic discipline, or even a female-led relationship, I have asked her for my chastity to be a more-or-less constant part of our lives, and mentioned that it definitely gives me a bit of a thrill when she tells me that she won’t unlock me. I really do look forward to those orgasms now!

This morning she upped her game a bit: She took The Key off her necklace, and said “it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”. I told her that I figured I’d just go down on her, since she’s not much of a morning sex person, and she responded the “we can do that first”. This isn’t unusual before intercourse, since it gets her juices flowing so to speak, so I did (which I love anyway), and she had a very nice orgasm – one of those ones that sneaks up out of nowhere.

Usually, after I give her head in the morning, she like to curl up on my shoulder and nap for a few minutes, and this morning was the same. What was different, though, is that she then told me that she just wanted to drift off for a while, and that she wasn’t really horny any more – “maybe we’ll have sex some other time.” !!!

Well, it looks like I’m getting what I asked for, too.”

It’s really good to see that Mark sees things moving in the direction he wants. What particularly interested me is that according to his comment, his wife’s actions after her morning orgasm haven’t changed. He pointed out that she normally enjoyed his attention and then would drift off to sleep without reciprocating. That is exactly what happened this time; but with a difference that hit him hard: She told him that she wasn’t horny and that maybe the two of them (meaning, Mark, I assume) would have sex another time.

She didn’t do anything different. But, she informed him that nothing would happen today. Since, according to Mark, that is usually the case, the only change was her consciousness of the fact he would go wanting. Words can be amazingly powerful.

Something similar happened to me recently. We were on one of our trips. We passed through the town of Toppinish. Mrs. Lion casually commented, “I’m toppinish; you’re bottomish.”

That’s obviously true, but hearing her say it aloud got to me. I know how Mark felt. Mrs. Lion articulating our reality made it unambiguously real. Our roles didn’t just exist in my mind. They are real because Mrs. Lion said the words. What may seem an offhand comment to her, can be an earthshaking pronouncement to me. Right, Mark?


  1. Author

    I agree wholeheartedly! My wife has made numerous comments in the past month or so that have impacted on me in a big way. Wherher it was referring to HER cock, or mentioning that I might not have any orgasms before the end of the year–these indicate a growing comfort level and confidence in her control of me. And that excites and pleases me.

  2. Author

    I devour your blogs each day! In ways we share common experiences, except I have a girl friend instead of a wife. I recently bought her a new necklace and ankle bracelet with small keys. Then a few days ago my CB-6000s locking bridge broke (I purchased the cage in 2009 so it’s held up very well). It’s not the first time something broke. Most common is the A ring. I had the first one replaced but when the second one broke I used my CAD modeling skills to fashion an STL file and had several spares 3-D printed. They work great. Feeling great about my work I decided to create and 3-D print a “Ball Protector” which after several iterations allowed me to wear it comfortably (although I do think that having your testicles in a constantly warm environment is not good, so I only wear it for occasional play)
    Getting back to the broken bridge, I plan to redesign it and have it 3-D printed. Probably in the next week or so. I feel so naked being “wild” (I have adopted your term) like this, especially since my GF can publicly wear some obvious emblems of our relationship. She has had only two occasions to show them in public and I would like more. But I need to be caged when she is wearing our relationship about her neck or ankle. I fear yet relish the idea of a woman asking her why she wears a key. Will she tell her that she keeps me in chastity? Or will she say, “Ask him”.

  3. Author

    I guess I missed making one point clear in my comment yesterday: when my wife takes The Key off her necklace, it’s usually so that she can unlock me for sex. (Unlike Lion’s JailBird, the Lori tube I wear leaves enough of my shaft exposed that she can tease me – *very effectively* – without removing the device. Cleaning is also not a problem, so the only reason it really needs to come off is for sex (for me…).)

    So what was really different was not only the verbalization of what she was doing, and her comfort level with denying me, but also that she had implied (actually stated, if I remember correctly) that we would have sex, and then felt OK about changing her mind. She’s accepting that her complete control over my sexuality is becoming the norm for us.

    The power of words alone is amazing, though. Sometimes during the day my wife will work into conversation some mention of a key, or cage, or waiting, and it gives me a thrill every time.

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