Yesterday, I learned that one thing I have heard is true: The ability to have more orgasms after a ruined orgasm is possible, even easy. I woke up feeling horny on Sunday morning. Mid afternoon, Mrs. Lion blindfolded me and we played. She wrote about it in her post yesterday.

I’ve long known that the physiology of a ruined orgasm allows for multiples without a refractory period. As long as there is semen available, a man can be aroused and ejaculate. I didn’t think that I could. I believe that my semen production is too low and that even a single ruined orgasm would exhaust my meager supply.

While a ruined orgasm arouses me and feels a bit like a full orgasm, I don’t get that satisfied feeling I get after I come. The last few days proved that to me. Yesterday’s orgasm was oral. That feels best to me. It is my favorite way to come. So far this year, a third of my orgasms have been oral. That’s about the same ratio as last year.

I think we are both slowly recovering from the flu. We both get tired during the day and we don’t sleep well at night. I’m hoping that changes soon. We slept late Sunday morning. Well, as late as our dog would let us. She woke Mrs. Lion at 7am to go out. Then at  nine she woke us both. After a few ear scratches, she let us sleep until almost ten.

We were both more active yesterday, though we didn’t leave the house. I have been naked since I got home from work on Friday. It will feel odd to get dressed and drive to work today.

We’re both encouraged that we can get back to full strength this week. Meanwhile, day-by-day we are slowly improving. Thank you for your good wishes as we recover.


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