Ever since I discovered that Viagra has a very inexpensive generic available from legitimate pharmacies, I have been excited to get some. ED, or erectile dysfunction can range from impotence to difficulty getting and keeping a full erection. From time to time, it’s been difficult for Mrs. Lion to get me hard. Once hard, I sometimes have a problem staying that way without constant stimulation. Part of this is just age, most though, is due to allergies and blood pressure meds i am taking. Low blood pressure, after all, is the enemy of a stiffy.

Saturday night was a bad night for penile hydraulics. I’ve been taking a strong steroid for my recent itching and that has distracted me from sex. So, when Mrs. Lion played with my penis, it was frustratingly unresponsive. So, I asked her if we could wait a while and quietly took 60mg of generic Viagra. A half hour later I was ready to go. This time, Mrs. Lion had complete success, and I had a great time.

She’s mentioned that she wants to know if I take the magic pills. I told her last night. Usually I don’t mention it. I don’t like to admit that I need help down there. Truthfully, I don’t need help that often. But I like the little added zing the pills add. I’m harder and stay hard longer. I love that.

It’s ironic that the blood pressure medicine I take will extend my life by lowering blood pressure, while the lower blood pressure affects getting hard. For the record, I’m proud of my unassisted erection. You can see for yourself here.

The thing is that I really like the way I feel when I take the boner pills. I feel more sexually confident. I have more fun. The pills do not turn me on or make it easier for me to be aroused. All they do is make it easier to get a solid erection. If you’ve thought that giving these pills to a man who is caged will torture him further, you’re wrong. They don’t make him easier to turn on or make him want sex more. They just make boners, um bonier.

I love it and I’m grateful I can get them legitimately for an affordable price. Ok, now you know too. The lion takes boner pills when he can.


  1. Author

    There’s no shame in that at all, and I think the stigma is going away as well. Joe Biden is comfortable mentioning it, and Bob Dole even does Viagra ads. Although one could certainly argue the medication’s therapeutic value (improved mental health, etc.), I think you’ve hit the nail on the head – it contributes a lot to the *fun* of sexual interaction.

  2. Author

    What are these “boner pills” of which you speak?
    I can relate, age is slowing me down and sometimes the erection is just not there when we would like it to be these days.

  3. Author

    Hey Lion,
    I saw you mentioned you take blood pressure pills. Just a heads up when they say that one of the side effects could be an unsafe drop in blood pressure, BELIEVE IT!. They should say you may pass out…I took a Levitra while on blood pressure med and passed out cold…my wife was 30 seconds from calling 911…which would have been really interesting considering the stocks, rope and vibrators lying around.

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