Over the last few years, my erections have become less and less reliable. On Monday, I visited a urologist specializing in sexual dysfunction. Mrs. Lion accompanied me on the visit. Apparently, it is unusual for a partner to accompany a man looking for a solution to his erectile dysfunction. The nurse congratulated Mrs. Lion for coming with me.

The visit started with a tech asking the usual health questions and checking my blood pressure. When that was done, the urologist came in. She discussed using Trimix to induce erections. Then she examined my penis and balls. She pronounced them normal. Next, I bent over the exam table for a prostate check. That felt good. It’s also healthy. Last, she agreed to send a prescription for Trimix to a local compounding pharmacy. We discussed the plan for me to get to the correct dose, and she left.

A nurse came in next. She was friendly and polite. She reviewed a long list of side effects and how to deal with them. The most serious is priapism. This is an erection lasting more than four hours. Four hours? Wow! The urologist also covered this and said it was highly unlikely for men my age. The nurse discussed what to do if the boner lasted more than a couple of hours. I already knew the answers to those questions.

When she was done with the explanations, we got down to the demo. She told me to pull down my pants and underpants. I did and sat in a chair. Mrs. Lion and the nurse looked on with interest. The nurse handed me a 1ml insulin syringe (1/2 inch 29 ga. needle). She explained how to extract the solution from the vial. We used a saline solution for the demo. It took me a little time to get the right dose into the syringe. The numbers on the syringe are a bit small and not too easy to see.

After I loaded the syringe, she shifted our attention to my penis. Using a finger, she traced a line on either side of the shaft indicating the correct location for my injection. Then, she told me to find a good spot. I found a spot with no obvious veins and put the needle just touching it. She nodded in approval, and I pushed it in. There was almost no pain. I didn’t expect any since the shaft of the penis has few nerve endings. Once in, I pressed the plunger and injected the saline. As soon as I removed the needle, I put pressure on the injection spot and was told to hold it for at least three minutes. I did. That was it.

On the way home, we stopped at the pharmacy and picked up my prescription. After we got home and I had a chance to get naked, it was time to administer the first dose. I loaded the syringe and found a good spot on the other side of my penis from the one we did at the doctor’s office. I injected the Trimix and put pressure on the spot. After three minutes, I released my fingers and stood up to put the Trimix back into the refrigerator.

As I stood, my penis felt heavy. It was the feeling I get when I begin to get hard. The thing was that I wasn’t turned on. I looked down and saw myself starting to get an erection. Hoo boy! I didn’t get completely hard. I could bend my penis. But, my cock was on its way. I joined Mrs. Lion in the bedroom. She approved of my semi-boner.

It didn’t take her long to get me aroused. As I got more excited, my erection firmed up. She masturbated me for a while and then had me get into position for oral sex. It felt great, and I stayed pretty hard while she sucked me. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get to the edge. Still, this was a successful test. The partial boner lasted about forty-five minutes.

The next step is to wait 24 hours and try again with a slightly larger dose. The objective is to get an erection hard enough to successfully penetrate my partner that stays hard at least 45 minutes and under two hours. This isn’t an absolute standard. It may not be possible to get a full erection that lasts under two hours. I’ve read that if the erection is about eighty percent of full hardness, it will be fine. Sexual arousal will make the erection go to 100 percent.

Speaking of arousal, it’s not necessary for the erection. That’s what felt odd. I was getting hard without any sexual stimulation. I didn’t have an orgasm on Monday night. If I did, my erection wouldn’t go down just because I ejaculated. I haven’t experienced that yet. Using this type of drug, unlike Viagra or Cialis, produces an erection as a purely physical process. It doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not you want sex at the time. Intriguing BDSM possibilities that might be fun. Imagine getting the ejaculation out of the way, then doing some cock and ball torture. My penis will stay hard even though I have no interest in sex.

Sounds great, but there’s a catch

I’m delighted that I will be able to get a reliable erection whenever I want. That’s both the good news and the bad news. Using an erection-producing drug like Trimix requires activities right before sex is expected to begin. In other words, spontaneous lovemaking isn’t really possible. Unlike boner pills, you can’t use this drug every day. It can only be used once in 24 hours and just three times a week. Sex has to be planned. Time has to be allowed to prepare and administer the injection, the wait for the drug to do its job. Communication with your partner is critical.

Another catch is that the erection lasts a long time. There’s a very good chance that it will be hard long after the sex is over. If you decide to have sex and then go out to dinner, remember to leave enough time for the boner to subside, or you will be going out to eat with a potentially embarrassing bulge in your pants.

I’m very excited about getting my teenage boners back again. It was an amazing feeling when the erection began. At first, I was a little put off by the thought of injecting something into my penis. But I was willing to try. Cost is a factor. My pharmacy charges $135 for a 5 ml vial. It comes with all the necessary parts for injecting: the syringes, alcohol pads, and a device to safely clip off the needle after use. How many boners you get depends on the dose you need. It can range anywhere from .1 ml of solution (50 boners a bottle) to a full ml. of solution per boner (5 per bottle). Most men need about .2 to .5 ml per injection. If a large dose is needed, the doctor can prescribe a stronger formula.

The vial retains its strength for about ninety days. After that, it has to be discarded. Some places claim a vial can be good for six months. My pharmacy says it is ninety days. If I assume that I will need .2 ml. per dose, I will get 25 boners per vial. That adds up to about 9 per month or 2 a week. That’s probably more than Mrs. Lion will want to give me. Still, at that dosage, the cost is $5.40 per boner. That’s not too bad when you consider that the alternative is no sex at all. If my dose turns out to be less, I’ll have the opportunity to get more fun per vial. Since the limit is three per week, the most I can have is 36 in ninety days. That seems like a lot more than I will want.

I’m writing this post on Tuesday. Later today I’ll ask Mrs. Lion if we can try again. I’ll up my dose by .o3 ml. and we’ll see how hard I get. One thing we have to figure out is how to manage foreplay. The temptation is to go for the gold since I’m presenting a full woody. That’s what we did on Monday. That’s probably the reason it didn’t work. Now that my erection isn’t caused by arousal, I think we have to remember that I need warmup despite the physical evidence to the contrary.

Listen to this post.


  1. Wow! What intriguing possibilities. Being able to have an erection after orgasm could be fun, although it may be difficult to get in the game from a mental perspective after an orgasm (post orgasm slump) even if the boner carries on.
    One of the reasons that we practice orgasm control and denial is because of the loss of all function on my part after orgasm. Could be fun to not have to worry about that. The post orgasm torture of that long term boner could be fun if the one applying the torture is inclined. The recipient should once again be careful what you wish for!

    1. Author

      The possibilities are interesting. I’m not sure Mrs. Lion has any real interest in post-orgasm fun.

  2. I’m thinking from a cost point of view how grateful I am for the NHS and in particular that in Wales we have free prescriptions

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