Penis in Jail Bird chastity device
Back behind bars again. Being wild was nice while it lasted. [Click image to enlarge the photo (not my penis)]
I loved being wild. For almost two months, my penis had been uncaged. I could reach down and touch it. It could get erect without Mrs. Lion’s help. she had access without dealing with hardware. So many advantages having a wild weenie!

Honestly, I don’t think I would be locked up now if I didn’t open my mouth on Sunday. I made some comment about not being caged. She didn’t react. Sunday night we snuggled but there was no genital touching. I was happily wild all day yesterday. Then I read Mrs. Lion’s post.

She promised to lock me back up  last night after punishment and play. She said that she kept me wild because of the difficulty of getting my caged penis and balls (I can’t aim without them out too) out to pee at a urinal. I tried for a day a couple of weeks ago and it was just too difficult with my recovering right arm. Now, I have a lot more range of motion and strength. I expect I can get the equipment out more easily.

I can’t figure out if Mrs. Lion is locking me up just because she thinks I want it or if she has a strong preference to cage me that’s all her own. Since I don’t cheat, I can safely remain wild.  We’re practicing male chastity with or without the cage. I know that she believes I will be disappointed if she doesn’t express interest in keeping me caged.

It’s true, at least for me, that I really like the idea that Mrs. Lion locks up my penis because it’s something she really wants. I like believing that with or without my agreement, my penis, her weenie, will be locked in a chastity device. It’s central to my concept of enforced male chastity that my keyholder won’t allow my penis to remain uncaged unless directly and continuously supervised by her. I should never be left alone with an uncaged weenie, not even for a few minutes.

At least that’s the fantasy. For us, it was nearly true for a long time. On camping trips I was allowed to be wild. Of course, I was with (supervised) by Mrs. Lion twenty-four hours a day. That falls well within the rules. Well, that’s not entirely true. I was also wild in the shower which let me wash my penis very carefully. When we are home, we are apart a good deal of the time. If I’m wild, the same careful washing can take place in the shower.

Enforced chastity is a hands-off sort of domination. The male is locked in a chastity device and is unable to get erect until the device is removed. So, Mrs. Lion need do nothing more than lock me up to keep my hands off. The challenge comes during that time when I’m unlocked for teasing or orgasm. It’s all-too-easy to unlock me and leave me unlocked for an hour or two after she is done with my penis.

I know Mrs. Lion is being kind. She is giving me a chance to pee standing up. The problem is that to pee standing up, I get to touch my penis. In my opinion, I shouldn’t ever have that chance. Of course, I currently remove and replace my base ring. If a true hands-off policy is in place, Mrs. Lion will need to do that as well as locking on my cage. I think she can easily do that for me.

It also means that I never get unlocked to shower without the cage. It’s unnecessary for me to be unlocked for hygiene purposes.. The Jail Bird allows full cleaning while on. If she does want me washed without a cage, she can do it herself without my assistance. When my cage is off for ultrasonic cleaning (monthly), she can lock me in my nylon cage to prevent touching while the Jail Bird is being cleaned. In short, there is no reason I should ever have access to my penis.

I think that the only way my penis truly becomes hers and only hers is that if she is the only one who is able to touch it for any reason. I think I have been able to get a lot of time to touch it myself, even if non-sexuallyl. I believe that any self-contact weakens the exclusivity a cage provides to Mrs. Lion. I’m sure she really doesn’t mind if I touch it. Her focus is almost certainly on sexual touching that leads to ejaculation. It’s different for me. Occasional contact, even if that means very rare opportunities to touch breaks the magic bond for me.  Never being able to touch at all is powerful to me.

I don’t think it is too difficult to remove those penis-touching loopholes. It does mean removing and replacing the base ring has to be done without my bare hands. Perhaps I can wear gloves if Mrs. Lion doesn’t want to do it. It also means immediate lockup after any authorized removal. It means being locked during trips as well. I think I can handle the camper’s toilet with my cage on. When I have to fly, we have a nylon cage I can wear when I have to pass airport security. There is really no reason for unsupervised penis availability.

Strict enforcement means I should never touch it again. The reason for the cage is to assure I can’t. Bye, bye wild weenie.