Lion received a package in the mail yesterday. He said, “Uh oh.” Then he opened it to reveal the Linnex he’d ordered. If you recall, in his incessant research, he discovered something nastier than menthol rubs. Silly Lion that he is, he ordered it. This is apparently the equivalent of a ghost pepper on the heat scale. It comes in an unassuming solid deodorant-type package and has very little scent.

In the past, Lion made fun of a menthol product I came home with. He said he may not even notice it was on. I believed him that it was a low intensity rub so I slathered it all over his balls. Well, Lion was wrong. It was the same intensity as Icy Hot. His balls were on fire. Last night I wasn’t taking any chances. I simply dabbed the Linnex on one area. He said it took five minutes to work. I fired up (pardon the pun) Mr. Weenie and let the five minutes tick away. Nothing.

I still wasn’t tempted to rub it all over his balls. I dabbed a little bit more on the same area and continued with Mr. Weenie. A short time later, Lion said he could feel it heating up. He said it was getting very hot. I don’t know if it was because he now had a double dose in the same spot, if the first application was finally working, or if I just didn’t get enough on the first time. Between Lion squirming because I was edging him and because of the Linnex, I took him a stroke too far and wound up with another salvaged orgasm. That wasn’t the plan.

He was supposed to wait until tonight for his orgasm. It wasn’t going to be during a fire balls experiment. It was just going to be a nice night of edging, culminating in an orgasm. I wanted Lion to be very horny. After all this talk of being broken, I wanted him to be fairly desperate to come. Now I have to wait. I’m not concerned with his having to wait. I don’t like to wait. That’s why he had so many orgasms last year.

So far this year has started off poorly. We’ll have to right our course once we both feel 100% better.

[Lion — It’s not so horrible. My first wait from December 24 to January 1 was 8 days. The wait that culminated last night was 6 days. My 2017 average is 7 days. If I wait until next Sunday, the wait will be 8 days again.]