As she promised, Mrs. Lion unlocked me, led me down to our dungeon, and put me in the sling. I was getting hard just moving into position in the sling. Lioness 2.0 began by getting me very aroused, then she used a small butt plug, followed by a new dildo. She is working on getting me peg-ready so I can ride the fucking machine. The new dildo has the Vac-U-Lock fitting for the machine.  She said I did pretty well.

Then she applied quite a bit of the menthol rub in a wide stripe from the top of my balls all the way to my anus. It hurt, but not nearly as badly as I remember from years ago. I remember once getting a bit on my perineum and I wanted to rocket to the ceiling. She may be right and this old stuff has lost some of its potency; but not all. Later, when I showered, I soaped my balls and then back to my anus. A few seconds after soaping, I could feel the cool effect of the menthol. Note to self: wash carefully in the future when Mrs. Lion gets full-strength rub.

The entire time I had the rub on my balls, Mrs. Lion was either masturbating me or sucking my penis, or as she says, weenie. She edged me at least twice in the midst of my balls on fire. I know mammalian males are programmed to disregard pain during sex. I’m pretty sure that if she hadn’t stimulated me the burning would have been much worse. In fact, she paused stimulating me to apply more to my poor balls. As soon as she stopped masturbating me the pain went up a lot. That’s not to say it wasn’t very intense even with the stimulation, but just sayin’.

I can understand why some guys actually don’t want that eventual orgasm. For the last few days, every touch when Mrs. Lion unlocks me and stimulates me, has been heaven. It’s been a long time since I remember being masturbated feeling this good. Today is my scheduled orgasm day. I’m not sorry it’s finally arrived, but I have had a lot of extra fun without ejaculating for the last three days or so.

Since it can’t be due to my lioness trying some new, mysterious handjob technique, I have to attribute it to my heightened arousal. I think that three things are responsible for that: The first is that over the last week or so, Mrs. Lion has been writing and talking about doing things to me. She promised two kinds of clothespins on my balls as well as the menthol rub. I think the anticipation had a strong effect on my horniness. While she teased me last week, she reminded me of the things she planned to do. In addition, she wrote about Lioness 2.0 and how things were going to change. This turned me on bigtime! The second reason is that I had to wait longer than in the recent past. The longer wait also allowed more time for me to grow desperate. Third, Mrs. Lion has been much more consistent about punishment, locking me up immediately after teasing, and making it clear there will be no bonus orgasms for me.

Consistency, even when it means being frustrated, is more important to me than I thought. Mrs. Lion’s previous declarations that she could give me an orgasm any time I want always meant before my date. For some reason, those bonus orgasms were a bit disappointing for me. They felt wonderful and I truly loved the relief and great pleasure. But I also felt that I hadn’t made it to the end. I know it is illogical, but that’s what was going on. This is one reasons I asked Mrs. Lion to consider not telling me when I am going to come next, unless it is to tell me that today was the day, but now she will wait for a better time.

During a wait, very regular edging seems to do quite a bit for me. It not only makes me more horny, but it also settles me down for a while; sexually, that is. I can’t explain it well, but after I have been edged a few times (once doesn’t seem to do it for this) and I am safely locked away, I get a very settled, comfortable feeling. It’s similar to after good sex with an orgasm. It’s very different in that there is no loss of the urgency to finally ejaculate. But there is is a feeling of closeness and intimacy that prior to the edging, was masked by the need to get hard and get off.

Mrs. Lion likes to read my posts like lion tea leaves to divine what I “want”. Am I asking for very long waits? No, that’s not it. I am I asking for waits more than a week? Maybe. Am I asking to be locked up right after Mrs. Lion is done with my penis? Yes I am. Do I want more pain play? Well, yes, but I also love the buildup. Is any of this different from what we are doing now? No, I don’t think it is. I’m not asking my lioness to change. I guess I am just letting you and her know what is working well that she is doing. Mrs. Lion owns what happens to me. I am not trying to control or influence that.