I gave Lion his Christmas present last night in the form of an orgasm. That’s his favorite kind of present. It was my present too. What more could I ask for than a mouthful of come? Yum!

Today we’re relaxing and watching one of the many tv marathons. We’ll have our nice dinner later and probably snuggle in for a movie. Not exactly a chastity hot spot.

Lion’s next orgasm date is New Year’s Eve. I told him I was toying with the idea of an orgasm for him on New Year’s Day as well. I thought it would be too much to go two days in a row. He said he’d love it. So we’ll do an out with the old, in with the new orgasm marathon of our own.

This morning, as a play on that idea, I thought if I time it perfectly I could make Lion come exactly at midnight and one orgasm could count as both the old a new year. We then decided that not only would it be less fun to do one orgasm, it would nearly impossible to do it exactly at midnight. Plus the fact that we probably won’t be awake at midnight. We are, after all, old farts.

Lion and I didn’t do any shopping for each other. We are each other’s present. I think I lucked out. He’s my best friend, lover, and husband all in one. Not many people have that. But you know, now that I think about it, we did give each other a present. When Lion asked me to lock up his weenie, the gift of our sex life was included in the package. And as we wrap up another year, and almost a full year of chastity, I think we’re more in love than we’ve ever been. That’s really the best present ever!