(Christmas Day 2014) Christmas Eve was great! Mrs. Lion edged me five times (She told me. I can’t count when that aroused). One of those times was so close that I was sure I was going to have a ruined orgasm. I can’t believe how close that was. I was sure that semen would come dripping out. Finally, she moved between my legs and gave me an amazing blow job. It was incredible.

I’m writing this on Christmas day. We are having a quiet day watching TV and pigging out. We had BLT’s for lunch (we both love them way too much) and have a huge ham for dinner. We should have leftovers for weeks. We’ll have both mashed white and sweet potatoes and a nice veggie. We have an apple pie and some mead to toast each other.

Mrs. Lion’s Christmas “surprises” haven’t arrived. Two bottles of very bright nail polish remain on our bathroom counter. I know they are destined for me and waiting is a killer. I’m not at all anxious to have painted nails, but knowing they are coming makes me anxious. Once done, at least it will be over. The other discussed concept was replacing my Australian underwear with panties. When we talked about it last night, Mrs. Lion was surprised that wearing panties would be less concerning than painted toenails. I can always take panties off. It isn’t so easy to get nail polish off.

The kinky part of me secretly likes both ideas. It isn’t because I want to be feminine. No, not in the least. It precisely because I don’t want to be feminine that it is exciting. The same is true of diapers. I really don’t like wearing them. But what I like about all three is that I am doing something purely because Mrs. Lion is in charge. It enhances my feeling of her control. If, for example, I am always either diapered or in panties, there is no escape from her control.

You might wonder why my chastity device isn’t that permanent reminder. In fact, it is. But it is part of me now; a useful tool that has revitalized our sex life. No humiliation there. I have to admit that the panties and diapers are my ideas. Painted toe nails came directly from Mrs. Lion. Never, ever in a million years would I have suggested that. Talk about control. Yup, that feeling in the pit of my stomach tells me of the three new things, that one hits the hardest.

I have never wanted anyone to take control of me in ways I can’t hide (another reason I like her surprises). Admittedly the painted toe nails are fairly safe unless my doctor wants to check my feet. Wearing the diapers or panties in public carry risks of their own. Panties might be seen at the urinal or when I tuck my shirt in. Diapers have leaked when out in public, leaving me with a telltale wet spot. I like that risk. I love the control. You think I’m kinky?

We didn’t exchange gifts this year. We decided we had the best gifts of all. I have Mrs. Lion. She is my best friend and playmate. She takes great care of me and makes me feel loved and wanted. Waking up next to her on Christmas morning and reaching over to touch her is the best gift I could ever get. The orgasm last night didn’t hurt either.