A couple of days ago, I asked Mrs. Lion if she was going to tell me when I could wear a shirt around the house. She replied that it was up to me. If I’m cold, I can wear one. I had been routinely wearing one every day regardless of temperature.  I’m not cold today, so no t-shirt. She generally likes me to have a bare butt at home. The only exceptions are days she puts out panties for me to wear.

On Friday night, I forgot to get my pill packets before dinner. I asked Mrs. Lion to get them for me. She got them and told me that I was supposed to do that myself. Forgetting pill packets is a spankable offense—so there was no spanking. I don’t know if she will punish me, but she did remind me that I broke a rule. Mrs. Lion waxed me yesterday. I imagine she decided to delay punishment until today.

It’s too easy to forget or put off punishment. Mrs. Lion has a lot to do and disciplining me isn’t generally top of mind for her. It isn’t good for me to get away with things. It’s not that I’m intentionally naughty. I need to build the correct habits. We’ve learned that consistent spankings for breaking a rule results in me remembering to do the right thing. I try not to think too deeply about what this means.

Every couple has “squeeze the toothpaste in the middle of the tube” annoying issues. They aren’t big enogh to get a divorce lawyer, but they are irritating. We’ve learned that consistent punishment for doing things like that generally cures the issue without the stress of bickering or nagging.

A big benefit of domestic discipline is that it provides a simple way to deal with problems. The problem is that it is easy for Mrs. Lion to forget to punish me. I realize that it takes work to train me, but when Mrs.. Lion forgets it makes me wonder if she is losing interest in me. I realize that this is irrational. It feels good when she is using her paddles to help me.


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