Plans for Tonight

The days continue to get away from me. I brought my iPad to my desk after lunch, fully intending to write a post in between tasks. Then I had two meetings that zapped any hope of a post happening. Today, I’m getting an earlier start with the hope I can finish fairly quickly.

Lion has been listening to audiobooks with headphones on, so he doesn’t disturb me. I only realize it when I say something and I’m met by silence or if I happen to hear muted voices coming from his office. I can’t decide if I’d rather hear eerie silence when I ask a question or his book. Of course, the dog does her best to make sure it’s not absolutely quiet.

The past few nights have been sex nights. I don’t remember what happened Tuesday night, but last night Lion’s tummy was bothering him a little. It wasn’t the agony he’s gone through recently, but it was enough to get in the way of any sexual activity. We snuggled and watched TV. I love doing that, but I wish it were more comfortable for us. My shoulder and neck get crunched, and Lion’s shoulder gets achy or cold.

Tonight is scheduled as a punishment night. I’m wondering if I should forego the five-minute spanking to focus on sex. On one hand, we have the punishment part down already, and missing one day shouldn’t matter. On the other hand, missing anything sets a dangerous precedent. I’m more likely to let things slide over and over. And what’s a five-minute spanking anyway? That’s nothing for a tough Lion hide. I swatted him early the other night and then edged him. I can do the same tonight. I might wait until he’s out of the shower this time since he tends to take a shower while I’m still working.

I still want to give him a blow job. I hope that’s possible tonight.

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