Baby Steps Back to Normal

I felt worse yesterday than most of the days I tested positive for COVID. Of course, the weather changed a bit, and that sometimes affects my sinuses. I know better than to try to hit the ground running. Even on a good day, that can end poorly. I certainly don’t want to do it while my body is still trying to recover. However, there are things to do around here, so I need to get moving even if it’s not at full speed.

Lion, stubbornly, is still testing positive. He was about two days behind me in terms of testing positive and negative the first time around. This time it’s lingering. He says he feels better today than yesterday. That’s a good sign. I don’t expect him to be hitting the ground running any time soon, either. When you’re old farts like us, it takes longer to recuperate. I’m not rushing him, but he is annoyed to still be testing positive. My fingers are crossed for today’s test.

One of the things that need to be taken care of is the new massage table. I just pulled it into the living room and left it. There is a big pile of boxes next to it that hasn’t made it out to the recycle bin. Yesterday’s trip to the mailbox was the first time I’ve been further than just outside the front door in a long time. Obviously, those things have to be done. The kitchen has also been a place of “I’ll take care of that when I feel better.” Nothing disgusting. Things that came in from the camper a lifetime ago are still sitting around, and that takes away already valuable space for cooking. I guess it’s a good thing I haven’t felt like cooking lately.

I hope we’ll both feel like eating normally again soon. Our lettuce keeps growing and growing even though we haven’t wanted a salad. Too bad there’s no way to turn the growing down when we don’t need it. Our tomato plants keep popping out new babies, but they all remain green so far. I’m sure they’ll all turn ripe at the same time, and we’ll be overrun. That’s the way gardens work.

Listen to this post.


  1. In this state, it is important not to overload your body with work. Basically all things can wait and will be done later. Take care of yourself.

    1. Author

      We’re still taking it easy. I think we were both surprised with the rebound.

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