Flight Drama

I went to check into my flight last night and a message on my phone announced that it was cancelled. Damn. It’s true that my flight out of Seattle was time-sensitive. They would not have delayed my daughter’s graduation for me. The return flight can get in at any time. However, I do need to get home at some point. Luckily, I was able to get a flight on a different airline, with a stop in Chicago, that leaves earlier and gets me in earlier despite the layover. Win win-win. Except, of course, the earlier flight wrecked my plan to help my daughter pack her stuff to move out of her dorm. Oh well. I was at graduation, we had a celebratory dinner, and spent time together. We really only missed out on a few hours.

More importantly, I get home to Lion a few hours earlier. I’m sure it will take some time to calm the dog once I get there, but then everything will be back to normal. The next trip is in two years for her master’s degree graduation. All should be calm until then.

I hope I can get some sleep on the plane. I’m pretty tired this morning. If I can just close my eyes for a few minutes. Famous last words. I may sleep the whole flight to Chicago. It’s only two hours but every little bit helps. I need to be rested enough so it will feel like evening rather than three hours later. I’m sure I’ll be able to sleep better once I get home to Lion.

There won’t be any sexy time tonight. He’ll have to wait until tomorrow. I’m sure he can. We’ll both be so glad to be together again, waiting another day for an orgasm won’t be a big deal. (She says because she’s not the one waiting for an orgasm.)

Its almost time to get to the airport. I’ll be home soon.

[Lion — I can wait! I’ve been lonely and just being with Mrs. Lion is what I really need.]

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