Not Much Going on Here

Lion was snoozing while watching TV last night. He missed a lot of the new premieres. Needless to say, we didn’t play. It’s hard to play when you can’t keep your eyes open. I was tired too. I snoozed a tiny amount but managed to stay awake until bed time. I swear we’re trying to get sleep so we’ll be more entertaining in our posts.

We’ve cancelled our Thanksgiving plans. We were going to have my friend and her mother for dinner. Even though I’m sure they’ve been safe and we’ve been safe, it doesn’t make much sense to take a chance. I’d feel awful if we got them sick and even worse if they got us sick. It’s just not worth it. Lion and I will have a four day weekend alone. We’re definitely not complaining about that.

On the premiere of The Good Doctor last night, one of the doctors and his wife were fighting about being cooped up together. She didn’t want him going to the hospital because he had cancer and she said it wasn’t safe. He didn’t want her going out because, even though she didn’t have any underlying condition, she could still bring the virus home to him. She kept interrupting his conference calls and video chats and got mad when he was playing online poker. Obviously they were going stir crazy. I’m glad Lion and I haven’t had problems like that. We just go on our merry way. Lion is quiet when I need him to be and I’m quiet when he needs me to be. It works out just fine.

Aside from the long, drawn out virus, we’re dealing with the long, drawn out presidential election. I didn’t need it to be a landslide victory, but I hoped it would be decisive. Recounts and law suits could drag this out for a long time. I can’t say I blame either side for asking for a recount when the results are close, but I really don’t think there has been widespread fraud or even non-widespread fraud. It just seems like sour grapes.

Maybe this afternoon we’ll both take naps and be refreshed enough to play tonight. Then Lion can write a post and I can report something more exciting than our sleep schedules and election results.

Listen to this post.