All About Lion

Lion finally admitted enforced chastity is all about getting attention for him (His post is here). He wasn’t hiding that fact. It’s just that I’ve known it for a long time. It really has nothing to do with giving me power. Sure, I decided when he was unlocked in the beginning. I still decide when he is edged and if he’ll have an orgasm. But it’s not about me at all.

From time to time, he’s felt bad about being selfish. If it’s true it’s all about him, then isn’t he being selfish? I don’t think so. For a long time I haven’t wanted sex for myself. There’s absolutely no reason Lion shouldn’t have sex. Since neither one of us wants him to find another woman, I’m it.

So what do I get out of it? Well, I already had a loving husband who I tended to ignore sexually so I didn’t gain a loving husband. I gained a happier husband. Yes, he was happy before enforced chastity and FLRD, but you have to admit having sex (if you want it) improves things. And I do like doing things for him, and to him. Mostly I like being close.

Why is it such a big deal for Lion to admit it’s all for him? I win! I mean, have you ever said something and had a person disagree with you and then it turned out what you said is true? Vindication! And the best part is that Lion didn’t lose in the process. There’s no rubbing his face in it or saying, “Nanner, nanner, nanner.” Of course, I’m sort of doing that here but it’s all in fun.

Maybe now Lion can stop being worried about being selfish. Maybe he can stop worrying he should be doing more for me. He’s already doing everything for me just by being mine. That’s not to say I’d mind if he did breakfast on the weekends from time to time again, but it’s not necessary. We’re good.