ferrule paddle on lion's butt

Sometimes I don’t know which way to go. I need to unpack. I need to do timely things. I need to do what Lion wants me to do. Those are rarely the same things. I know he’s frustrated with all the boxes still around. I am too. He asked if he should advertise for someone to help unpack. I don’t think that would help because things from any box don’t have a home yet.

For example, there are things that need to go in the living room, which is currently stacked high with boxes and cardboard that needs to get tossed. Yesterday, I started taking some cardboard out to the garage to prepare it for a trip to the recycling center. My hope was that I could tunnel through the living room to put some stuff away in there. Lion asked if I could replace the batteries in his uninterruptible power supply, so I switched gears to do that. Then there’s the regular crap that needs to get done.

When am I going to spank Lion? Unfortunately, that’s been on the back burner for quite some time. I could promise him I’ll do it tonight, but I hate promising and not following through. I will say I’ll try to do it tonight. I owe him for annoying me and forgetting his pills at least once. Every time I let him slide, his butt gets that much closer to virgin status again. Maybe I need to commit to spanking him every night for five minutes. Of course, it would be ten minutes if he’s earned a real punishment. I’m not sure that’s a sustainable goal, but it would be a step in the right direction. He certainly wouldn’t have a virgin butt anymore.

I need to find that bigger strap. I’m not sure I like the harness that Lion got. He needs to be restrained.

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