We are in the middle of our move. Things aren’t looking too good. The movers are coming Wednesday, and we have a lot of packing to do before then. The logistics aren’t easy. On Saturday, we rented a UHaul truck and hired workers to load and unload. They took our outdoor furniture, barbecues, gardening equipment, and other bulky items. By doing this we saved the expensive movers an extra van. As it stands, they say they need two vans and two days. The load on Wednesday and unload at our new house on Thursday.

Tomorrow, our handyman is coming to uninstall our water filters, thermostat, ham antenna, and other stuff. He returns to the new house on Tuesday to reinstall that stuff. Logistics, logistics, logistics. That’s been my job. On Saturday, after the UHaul was unloaded, Mrs. Lion and I set up the new WiFi in the house. It works! That means our household automation will be plug-and-play when we move in.

The big, scary part is packing. I don’t think we will be ready on Wednesday. We have to be. Maybe we will make it. We’re spending Wednesday night in a hotel. All of our stuff will be in the moving vans, We have a large credit from a travel agency. I’m using part of it to pay for a suite in a Tacoma hotel. It will be a nice treat after a day of loading a truck. We plan to unload and set up as much as we can on Thursday. On Friday, Mrs. Lion can return to our old house and clean up.

We are both unhappy that we only got to stay here for four years. We expected to be in this house twice that. Neither of us is very good at change. We like things to stay constant. Moving is pure stress. Mrs. Lion is working hard to stay calm, but the effort is taking a toll on her. I wish I could do more to help. Meanwhile, we stay happy and very much in love. I’m very grateful that I found such a wonderful mate.

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