I know Lion is (im)patiently waiting for some fun, but I’m still feeling pressured by the move. Tonight, I’m making one last push on the old house. If I can’t fit it in the car tonight, we don’t need it. Then I have to unload the car at the new house. I’m running out of places to put things until they are unpacked.

Saturday morning I unpacked part of the kitchen. I found the toaster. I didn’t have any counter space to put it on so I either buried it under packing material on the table or I put it back in the box. In either case, it’s lost. I found the silverware, but I didn’t find the tray it goes in, and I can’t get to the drawer that will be its new home. It went back in the box. Lion needs his razor. I found the charger part of it. Where the hell is the razor?

The bottom line is that it may be quite some time before we are even halfway functional in the new house – in all respects. I seem to be sleeping in two hour increments.

That’s not helpful.

I’m back to work full time (except that Lion has doctor appointments this week).

That’s not helpful.

Normal chores continue.

That’s not helpful.

Lion is even more injured than he was before we started this whole escapade.

That’s not helpful.

I’m taking solace in the knowledge that tonight will be my last run to the old house. One last horrible commute. One last load and unload. I have to take my silver linings where I can get them.