man (not lion) hard in panties

Every morning, I’m required to remind Mrs. Lion to give me panties to wear. Every morning she picks out a pair. I have no idea if she even sees me wearing them. They stay on me all day until I shower, then I’m allowed to go commando. Some of the women’s undies are comfortable; most aren’t. I don’t get turned on seeing myself in panties. I like that Mrs. Lion is showing her control this way. Today I’m wearing a skimpy thong that barely covers my junk. The waistband is just above the base of my penis. Balls keep escaping. I think I’ll ditch this number.

On Tuesday night, Mrs. Lion wanted me to shoot up with Edex. My stomach bothered me, and she decided we could wait another day. It’s been a week (Wednesday) since my last orgasm. I’m pretty horny, and it would be fun to do more than parade around in panties. OK, I’m more than a little horny. Sex has been on my mind quite a bit. Mrs. Lion said she’s been thinking about play in addition to sex. I’ve been imagining what she might have in mind. CBT? Bondage? Anal play? I’ll find out soon enough. One thing for sure, she wants me hard when she does it.

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