Today is my birthday. I’m not particularly excited about it. As we grow older, marking another year of life becomes less eventful. After all, a birthday is nothing more than a milepost one year closer to death. I don’t think that Mrs. Lion has anything planned for the day. She got us slices of chocolate cake and we had them on Saturday night. That was a yummy treat. We don’t have many treats like that. We are still losing weight.

I also had a shot of Edex and a great blow job on Saturday night. Mrs. Lion complained that there wasn’t much cream filling. I apologized. The orgasm felt great. She had my balls tightly tied before she sucked me. She joked that maybe the tight rope on my balls kept the cream away. I rolled my eyes.

We are getting ready to take a short trip to the East Coast. I will see my daughter for the first time in quite a few years. I have a new grandson that I haven’t met. My vision has deteriorated further and I am not looking forward to negotiating airports and the hotel.

Our weather this weekend has been very warm and sunny. I think we broke our record high for Saturday. It got to 90o F. Sunday is cooler and sunny. The good weather won’t last. We’ll be back to our usual cloudy, cool weather this week.

When I started this blog, I imagined it would be a chronicle of my sexual odyssey into male chastity. I realized that the blog would evolve along with me. I knew that my posts would be less interesting to beginners in male chastity as I advanced. That turned out to be true. After almost ten years, I give little thought to concerns about living through frustration until my next orgasm.

Because we added the spice of a female-led relationship (FLR), there is ongoing activity in that area of our lives. Spanking, it turns out, never grows old. It can become less frequent, but not in our house. Mrs. Lion is very aware of the importance of the paddle in maintaining my mental health and good behavior.

Speaking of which, I might get a birthday spanking. Ours are not the traditional one swat for every year, pluse one to grow on. Oh no, my spankings are at least 300 swats. Mrs. Lion sets a ten-minute timer and goes to work. I’m pretty sure that I won’t be sitting comfortably for a few days. I wonder if I will also get a pre-flight spanking to remind me who is in charge when we travel.

Listen to this post.



  2. Happy Birthday. Enjoy your spanking 🙂


    1. Author

      Thank you very much! I am enjoying the idea of being spanked. The reality is never fun.

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